Advice for 2 track mixdown deck


So I've been looking to purchase a 2 track reel deck for mixdown from DAW and from my Tascam 38. I was originally looking at purchasing a Tascam 32 because I am familiar with the 38 and those machines.

Because I track both to DAW and tape, I'm thinking I will be using more analog for mixdown.

So instead of the Tascam 32, which is a decent machine, I am now looking at newer and/or better decks. I've seen a Tascam 42B (local), Tascam BR-20, Tascam ATR-60, and Otari 5050 machines.

Can someone tell me about these decks (or others) and what might be best bet for my situation?

Tascam probably has the best support of anyone. I did get parts for my Otari last year, but they closed their rep, and there is another company handling that, I haven't tried to get parts. Otari's may have seen a lot of use, but are nice machines.

Note that if you have a 38 and (not sure what your interface for the DAW) you're unbalanced RCA. The Otari has unbalanced XLR's and is pin 3 hot, so you'd need special cabling, it can handle both -10dBm and +4 dBu signal levels though.

Also, IMO the Tascam reel lock downs work better than the Otari, and are a more intuitive design. The Otari has some weird spider thing going on. It works, but I've had to swear at it to get it to behave. Frankly I like the Tascam better.

That said, from your post it sounds as thought you've found the 42B local, but not the other machines? In that case, local is always preferred. if the price is right that is a nice machine too.