Advice ? Aardvark q10 user Upgrading Software


New member
Hey guys, I humbly request advice...

Long story short, I have been using Sonar XL 2.2 (plus updates) since, well, Sonar 2.2 was the latest and greatest. I have a dual Aardvark Q10 setup, Athlon 64 2800+ Machine with about a gig of RAM.

No major issues with it, but I am looking to upgrade for a couple reasons. Probably the biggest being the native ability to use VST plugs...I never got around to buying a VST Wrapper, and it seems silly to spend any money on one now, when just going up a version or 2 would take care of that, and also garner me some additional workflow enhancements, etc.

So, I was eyeballing Sonar Home Studio 6 XL, looks like I can score an academic version of that for about $120. Thats pretty much the higher end of my budget for this, and I have no problem spending it, if it is for the greater good. I am all for the "buy once, but buy smart approach" as much as possible, but cant get into upgrading hardware at this point.

I am wondering what advice people on the form here would have as far as going with Sonar 6, or other apps.

Sounds kinda like my setup

I always liked my Aardvarks- too bad they went out of business. If you do upgrade, (which is almost always fun) think twice before you upgrade your processor. I spent an extra 50 bucks or so to get a dual core and now my Aardvarks are gathering dust... They don't run on the newer setup! I upgraded from Sonar 4 to 7(producer) and I love it. There's all kinds of new stuff that's fun to waste time on!
I had heard some stuff about that type of thing. Wasn't too clear on if it was real or not, so thanks for the heads up.

I got a hold of a beta version of the drivers for the aark, only a couple people said that fixed the issue with the dual core cpus, tho. PM me if you want that beta version. Who knows, mnaybe it will help for you.