Advantage/advice on partitioning system drive


New member
Hey all...I'm setting up my DAW, and have the first drive partitioned as (C): OS-XP Pro, at 10 GB. The other partition on the same drive is (D): 30 GB. Now, I have some other drives that I will/can use for audio data/samples/backups. Since I haven't set it up this way before, my question: For audio applications (Sonar, Sound Forge, etc.), is there any advantage of installing them in the (C) partition, or is it just fine to install on the other partition(D), which has more room? If it doesn't matter, I would probably install those apps on the (D) partition, so I wouldn't crowd the (C) partition. Sorry, I know about the system drive and audio drive being separate, but I have been unable to find anything about installing apps to other partitions other than the main OS drive, and the consequences(or drawbacks) of doing so. Thanks in advance. My computer before this had a 40 GB non-partitioned drive for OS and apps, so this was not an issue.
putting apps and os on diff partitions will make no difference at all.
Only thing that would improve speed would be having a different harddisk for the swapfile (or better, no swap file - I don't need one with 1Gb ram) but then that would have to be on a different controller as well.

Speaking of controllers: the second harddisk is on a diff controller, right ?

Thanks, DeadPoet.......Yes, the second HD is on a different controller. I just have a good bit of audio apps, and I don't really want to crowd the OS partition after installing all the programs. I've got 1 GB RAM too, so the swapfile won't be an issue. Also, I'll be using external 7200rpm firewire drives for the audio data and backups. Thanks for your help...
Actually you can improve performance by having smaller swap files on multiple disks, as opposed to a larger swap on one disk. If you have XP, that is easy to set up.