Adding vocals on an FD8

Dan Colverson

New member
I am trying to record vocals on my FD8 singing through an SM58 but i'm not having much luck. The mic is plugged straight into the FD8 and the signal is set to low imput. Basically the problem is it's really bassy and lame and quiet. Even with the treble turned up and the bass turned down it i still cant hear myself properly and it's drving me mental. Any tips? Should i put the mic through an amp? Anything at all MUCH appreciated!
Vocals on FD8

Hey guy, I have an FD8 too. If you are going in thru the 1/4 inch jacks on the front with your mic line, I think that is the problem(though I am not sure why exactly) BUT, I had a similar sounding problem. What I do now is put all the vocals thru the XLR inputs on the back of the unit. They are only there for channels 7 & 8, but you can still record your vocals to any track, going thru 7 or 8 or both, and routing the signal by using th rec-select buttons. Also, do you have a pre-amp? That is huge. I just got one, and it has helped me vastly. Hope this helps.
Thanks! Doh! I can't believe i didn't pre amp it first. I put it through my guitar amp which is the only one i have but it sounded suprisingly good! Good enough to do a demo anyway. Any recomendations of a good cheap-ish and cheerful pre amp though?