Adding different reverb to different tracks on DP-02CF


New member

I am a newbie to homerecording and I want to record a simple song (voice and mandolin).
For the mandolin recording there should be used another reverb configuration as for the vocal.
What is the best way to do?

Is it possible to record the mandoline first on a single track without any reverb and then bounce it to another track adding the reverb while bouncing?
Then do the same with the voice and then finaly mix it down?

How would you do the job?

Thanks in advance

jakeelee :guitar:
Are you using a hardware reverb?
You could bounce a 100% wet copy of the verb so you have full control over it later on.
What I generally do is bus all the guitars to a reverb and bus the vocals to a reverb. I get all the drum reverb I need from a room mic.
If you are using a software reverb I would take the bus approach. It puts all your tracks in a similar space and it conserves CPU.

I use a hardware reverb (Lexicon MX300).
Can you please explain in short, what a "wet copy" is?

thx for your help


I can, its just the pure reverbed sound verses the "dry" signal without reverb. In traditional recording (you would call old school) there were auxiliary sends and returns on every channel of your mixer.You "send" your (instrument) to your outboard effects unit. But that outboard unit had to be heard right? and with the effect right? Ok it had to be "returned" back to a channel in the same mixer. Then you would have your outboard unit set to pure "wet" which means the signals "wet" are just the effect not the "dry" signal.Therefore you could control totally separate in your mixer the dry from the wet....I hope this helps you :)
do I understand u right: I don't connect the return signal to the return plug of the recording machine but to the input of another, free channel?
do I understand u right: I don't connect the return signal to the return plug of the recording machine but to the input of another, free channel?

Ok I just had to go take a quick look at my DP-02 and I forgot that it even had a dedicated effects return .Most of the time you would use that (return) for when mixing down. and yes you could "return"t to any TK and record it and have it for later to add in with your mix. Then you could use another effect (even internal) on another instrument.... just experiment cause there are several ways you could go about this.I had my DP-02 first and then not longer after bought a 2488 NEO and then never really had time to master the DP-02 but man it is a great sounding and easy to operate machine !!! Just keep at it and you will master it man :thumbs up: