adding a Compressor to my rig...need a lil help


New member
hello there
i just began to dable into the fine art of computer recording. I have pretty decent compressor settings for the comp i use with my software bundle, but after reading every single msg in the preveious threat Hardware VS Software i think i want to try the hardware comp. I just need some help and clarifiction on deciding which i should shell out for. I am mainly a drummer, but also play guitar on my recordings. What comp would u recomend for my drums?and for which drum compenents?( ie.. toms, snare, bass? )

thanx for the info,, greatly appriated

I'm currently using an ART PRO VLA, which is very nice on vocals and acoustic. For drums, I'd look for a dbx. In your case, maybe a 166xl might be a good one to research. It has a limiter and gate along-side the comp. And it's not too expensive.
For drums, a DBX 160a, 160xt or 160x. The "a" is the current model and the "x" and "xt" are previous models -- essentially the same unit although some claim that there are subtle differences in sound. About $225-250 used. Maybe less if you get lucky. RNC for guitars and vocals.
for any1 who has ever used a Presonus compressor for drum especially, or any1 who has an interest on that topic....what would u think? i have a Firepod from them, relaly like it. Like there CL44 or the GTX44....both 4 channels whats the difference between those? would be sweet, get 2 and have all my inputs on the firepod covered when needed. just my take on it, but im not willing to sacrafice quality for anything, but also dnt wanna be gettin a loan out to get my gear lol.
Are you using external preamps with your firepod? Cause it only has inserts for two of the channels, meaning you can only use two channels of compression if you are useing the firepods pres.

I went with the ART PRO VLA, still getting used to it, seems like for the price it would be hard to beat. Yah their is the RNC but its not dual mono, and doesn't add much flavor from what I have read, so in my mind not much better if at all better then software compressors. I paid $299 on ebay for my PRO VLA it was new in the box, and it came with free shipping and a free MXL V67G. But you can buy them new for around $260 or used around $210.