Added a 2nd hard what? (Sonar 3)


New member
A stupid question -- I finally added a 2nd hard drive to my computer. I use Sonar 3, and already have audio recorded on the original drive.

How do I configure Sonar on the new 2-drive set up to best optimize Sonar? And how do I configure previous projects I've already worked on?


In Sonar, go to Options > Global > Audio Data and set the global audio folder to your new hard drive. Then click on Use Per Project Audio Folders at the bottom of that page. Leave everything else as is.

As for your older projects, if you were using Per Project Audio Folders (PPAF) previously, you should be able to just drag the folders over to the new drive (You probably want to make sure everything is backed up first.)

If you were not using PPAF, then probably the best thing is to open an old project and do a "save as" to create a new project. Once you have created new copies of all the old projects and determined the new projects are working OK, you can delete the old audio folder.

Remember, backing up is your friend here. :D

Thanks, Dachay2tnr! Once again, you're a big help. I hope Cakewalk recognizes the value of your consulting services. ;)

I'll try this tonight. Hopefully, this will reduce the amount of crashing during playback for my projects... :)

Whoops, one correction...

You should also go into Options > Global > Folders and change the setting for Project Files to your new hard drive - e.g., D:\

This will set things up so that when you go to start a new project, the dialog box will automatically default to the new hard drive. The dialog box will also ask you to name the project, which will then be stored underneath the default setting you established above, for example:

If you name the new project "New Song 1", the project file will be stored in the folder: D:\New Song 1

The audio for that project will be stored in the folder: D:\New Song 1\Audio

Sorry for the oversight (I guess I should return those consulting fees to Cakewalk :) ).
If your first hard drive crashes Sonar a lot even with a moderate number of audio tracks, chances are it's wearing out. Mine was; I cloned it to a new HDD using Acronis and bam, no more dropouts.
Cakewalk set up for 2 about Reason?

Again, Dachay, thanks for the advice, all worked smoothly as you described.

The CPU still seems to be going fairly high, up to 70 and 80% capacity, but it does seem to be better with the second hard drive.

A related question -- I use Reason with Sonar. Would it also be a good idea to move Reason audio data to the 2nd drive? Or would that not have much effect? (by the way, some of the crashing I mentioned below was my mistake -- I played a file with Reason tracks in it, without first opening Reason...oops.)


I don't see a difference in where I keep Reason refills -- whether on the OS drive or the extra disk. I think this is because my typical Reason stuff isn't using that many samples, so doesn't need to hit the drive that hard.

I do see a difference with VSampler and BFD using complex samples. Definitely stick those on the second drive in my config...

