Add Your Bass Guitar to This



Gtrs by me
Percussion by Tonio
Just a simple jam in the A dorian mode.

Needs a bass guitar and I'm wondering what kind of parts might work. Add yours and post your mix! :)
Cool guitar and percussion so far. Top shelf stuff.... :cool:

My version would sounds surprisingly like the original as I only play air bass....:D
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Timothy - nice work. I'd love to add bass BUT...
my bass playing is graceful (as in full of grace notes), the only mode I know is "a la" and finally: Dorian is upstairs cowering as he's afraid of the grey paint.
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Gtrs by me
Percussion by Tonio
Just a simple jam in the A dorian mode.

Needs a bass guitar and I'm wondering what kind of parts might work. Add yours and post your mix! :)

Nice!...:):):) I had a quick question.... I've always thought of modes as explanations scales... by that i mean when in the key of G... i would have to a "A dorian" scale is what i'd be playing from A to A..

But when you say a simple jam in A dorian mode does that mean "A" is your "1" or "root" and so forth..... if so... what's keeping you from playing G ionian( major scale) I've never quite understood modes....but any pointer or if you have any link... to help me break that understanding barrier... it would be greatly appreciated! thx :)
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Well, I don't consider myself a bass player, but I had fun jammin along. Not too clean and a lot of mistakes. If you want just the bass part, I'll have to do punch-ins and clean it up a bit.

Well, the first link didn't work for some unknown reason. So I uploaded it to my soundclick page. Sorry, it's only 128kbps.

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Thanks ido and ray for your comments. [but no bass parts, bawwwk, bawk, bawwwwwk, haha...:D:D]

Guitarer said:
As soon as my bassist gives me back my bass I'll give it a shot.
Hey, good.:)

dredre said:
when you say a simple jam in A dorian mode does that mean "A" is your "1" or "root" and so forth
Yes. The tonal center is A and the scale pitches are A, B, C, D, E, F# and G.

what's keeping you from playing G ionian( major scale)
The G major scale uses the same set of pitches but how you name the scale is all about where the tonal center is. I'm using "mode" in the traditional (classical) sense where you define the tonal center of the piece, and then the flavor of scale being used. "Mode" is often used differently in jazz terminology where, say you have a ii-V-I progression in the key of C major... during the time that ii (D minor chord) is happening a jazz guitarist might say they'd use the dorian mode to solo over it, though the piece is still in the key of C. Don't worry about it - musicians never agree on terminology.:D

Hey Chili, that's a nice sounding bass. Hearing it in there makes me realize that yeah the tune really needs to have the low end filled out. I especially liked the feel of the freeform lines you played from about halfway through. Thanks for putting it up.

I noticed some distortion in the mp3 I posted, and will replace with a cleaner one soon.

So... who's next?:cool:
Hey Chili, that's a nice sounding bass. Hearing it in there makes me realize that yeah the tune really needs to have the low end filled out. I especially liked the feel of the freeform lines you played from about halfway through. Thanks for putting it up.

So... who's next?:cool:

Cool, I'm glad you liked it.

Yeah, so who's next?? :D
thx XLR!!!

i gotcha.... Now if i can figure out where this buzzing coming when i plug in my bass into my cpu... X-hum isn't didn't quite work for
Cool sound on the bass part, whjr15. :cool::)

cmhanson - thanks for listening.:)

dredre - Forget X-hum... here's the kind of hum buster you need to get that bass part tracked. :D
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