ADAT question


New member
I will be getting a used Fostex RD-8 ADAT soon. I was just wondering if there are any general tips to ensure it is working properly. Should I just record on all 8 tracks for a while. Then play back for a while. What are some good cleaners/are they a good idea?
Also where could I find a manual to download. I appreciate the help. These forums are great.
leave it to the Pros, if you want peace of mind

I asume, you have access to it, since you were gong to try the recording testing...... If I were you, I would take it to your local repair depot.... There is a store here in my city, that will check over any equip, and test it all, (including taking the cover off, and blowing out the dust, and doing an internal inspection..... For about $20 Canadian...Usually, they are knowledgeable, and sometimes, this takes only dropping it off for a few hours, or even while you wait... If your worried about your investment in this product, i would advice you do this..
