Adat Monitoring Question


New member
Hi all-

I was wondering if some assistance could be passed my way. I have 2 Adat Blackfaces and am having some difficulty with figuring out how to record and monitor tracks.

Here is my dilemma:

When recording, we run our mics into our Behringer board and then out (tip) into the Adat via a Hosa Elco Snake. When we play back the drum tracks, we cannot figure out how to isolate, for example, the bass tracks from the mix. We have to have our levels up on the board to get the proper signal to the Adats, and in case I'm incorrect, there's no way to "turn off" the tracks being recorded via the Adat.

So basically, I need to know how to isolate the tracks being recorded from being played back into the headphones while being tracked and still get a good signal to the Adats...

I run three ADATs with a console and I have no idea what it is you're asking!

Can you explain your configuration and the nature of your problem more precisely?

Sorry I wasn't clear enough...

What I want to know is, if I'm recording bass tracks, how do I keep those tracks out of the headphones when the bass player is tracking?

I have a Behringer MX2004, which only really gives me 8 tracks at a time. I have an Elco snake plugged into the Adats, I then take the output jacks (black colored) and plug them into (half way for recording) the Behringers' Insert channel. I then take the Input cables (grey colored) from the snake and plug them into the Behringers' Alt 3-4 or Main Outs and that is how I am able to run a signal to the Adats and control the signal as well (with the Behringers faders). We run the headphones out of the Behringer board.

So, with this set-up we have not been able to figure out a way to isolate the tracks being recorded from the tracks that have already been recorded.

Could we use the Main outs for our 2 recording channels and then mute those channels to isolate the signal without it interferring with the signal to the Adats?

Thanks and I hope I've been clearer - as you may be able to tell it's a confusing set-up and we're trying to make due with what we have...
Ok... I understand... I'll get back to you - I need to look at the connections available on the MX2004... (you'd think it'd be easy to go to the Behringer site and look it up - nope! seems the site is down....)

I'll check back in a bit...

Ok... I saw the mixer... there are a number of ways...

The easiest is probably to use your ADAT in 2-buss mode and send your left/right subgroups to channel 1 and 2 on the ADAT. Enabling 2-buss mode on the ADAT means a signal appearing on track 1 will also appear on tracks 3,5,7 in record mode. (for 2, it also appear on 4,6,8)

You connect each of the ADAT outs back to the corresponding channels on the mixer - you'll have to unpatch any channel you want to use the preamp on.

With 2-buss mode on the mixer, your pan control determines which "buss" a channel will appear on - if fully left, it usually appears on buss 1, fully right, the signal appears on buss 2. IN the Center, the signal appears on both buss 1 and 2. This is probably where you are having a problem in that when monitoring back, without paying attention to the PAN position, you are inadvertently sending the signal back to the buss.

For overdubbing purposes, you'd be better off using the auxiliaries in PRE-FADER mode to monitor the ADAT - this way, your channel faders are at zero for the channels being monitored and you won't get any inadvertent bleed-thru on the buss...

There are other ways to handle it - small mixers usually dictate some creative patching to use the unit the way that suits you...

Hope this helps...
