Acoustic Treatment Options


New member
Well I'm thinking about treating my room, but the only problem is my house is fairly old and it only has one actual square corner the rest are rounded. So I can only put one of those corner traps up is it worth it with just one ? also my guitars are fixed to the wall so the wall pieces aren't an option either, is there anything else I can do. ?
Pictures would help.* There's lots of things you can do but it's hard to suggest anything without a layout.

*The upload function is broke right now. Put 'em on photobucket and post links.

Those pics are to close to see much - where's the round corners? Post some further back shots and a floor plan.

You can straddle pretty much any corner with a bass trap and don't forget that where the walls meet the ceiling are corners as well. You can also incorporate hanging guitars with treatment - look at Whitestrat's build thread.
