Acoustic foam - single room


New member

New to the group and hoping you can help. I've got a bedroom studio, approx 20' x 20' with two windows to the outside world. At them moment the room is untreated (just standard white walls) and I'm looking to take my first steps.

What I'm after is a recommendation for acoustic foam for the walls (Cant be done with building a room within - too much cash) and maybee some ideas about what to do with the ceiling, windows and door!

Any help would be appreciated - escecially any ideas of where to get the stuff in the uk.

Many thanks

I'm sure Grey and John Sayers will hop in with a lot more info then I can provide, but if you've got to leave the walls as is, you're in the same situation as I was.

I have had really good luck with Auralex foam. They sell "Roominator" kits of it, which include everything you need. Pricy, pricy, though - thousand bucks or more.

The result is a nice sounding room that looks really cool to (btw, all - the pictures have been taken, awaiting development now.)

Of course, Auralex foam is only really good for treating the sound - you are not going to make the room soundproof. You'll help a bit, but without rebuilding walls, filling in windows and so forth, sound WILL escape - both noise in from the outside, and your music heading out. In my case, I just needed to kill a lot of the reflections that were happening because of the brick walls.

Trumpets are loud :)