ACM-2 for sale


for all the right reasons
Hey, I have one of those ACM-2 lollipop mics from the last group buy that I will let go for 50$ shipped. Pretty sure the ribbon is sagging. I don't have the expertise to fix it or the money to have it done right now, so 50 bucks through paypal for somebody who knows what they're doing. PM me.
still available. I'll drop it to $47 shipped, and I'll cover the paypal fees. I figure its a pretty good deal considering that price is less than the GB price of the mic (not including paypal fees and shipping). This is the lolypop mic that looks somewhat like the Fathead and one of the nady ribbons.
shouldnt you also be getting a replacement ribbon through the current group buy??? Im not sure but I thought I read somewhere that everyone was getting replacement ribbons..
shouldnt you also be getting a replacement ribbon through the current group buy??? Im not sure but I thought I read somewhere that everyone was getting replacement ribbons..

Yup. Unless you really need the money, I'd wait a few months to sell this until you get the replacement ribbon and then sell it along with the ribbon. Probably a lot easier, and if the ribbon looks anything like (at least) one of mine, you may find that its corrugations have gotten straightened out, which will affect the sound until it is reribboned.
well, maybe I'll hang onto it. How tough would it be to put the new ribbon in it?
well, maybe I'll hang onto it. How tough would it be to put the new ribbon in it?

How good are you at working with foil 1/25th the thickness of a human hair? :D

Short answer: hard.
Long answer: probably not that hard, but you need a very, very steady hand, a mask to keep your breath from blowing the ribbon across the room, and a Q-Tip or similar to actually lift the thing (get it moist and the ribbon should stick to the Q-Tip). Thus far, I've only done a little bit of single-end retensioning (releasing only one end of the ribbon). Maybe Marik or somebody who has actually reribboned one from scratch can comment on this.