Acis Pro 6


New member
Trying this new program my friend gave to me Acid pro 6.
This is the greatest program but i believe im not fimmiliar with its full features.
Can anyone fill me in?
Ok i want to add reverb on just the vocals. I tried adding the reverb in everyway. Right click>insert effect, Insert> effect, The effect add on the tracks individually but i never hear it.
Any other features to recomend. I record Metal mostly.
you can click on the track fx...

or just add an effect to the mixer. then make the individual track bigger so you can see the fx/bus sends.

move that fader to taste
effect automation is easy in acid.

click on the upper right box in the effect window. choose what you want to automate...voila

i automate pitch cents for out of tune singers, automate a vocoder plugin i've got, automate eq for some cool effects, automated delay can be cool....etc