ACid 4 Or Sonar 4


New member
I bearly moving on to using midi from my triton and my planet phatt, but im new at midi so which program is better to use midi on Sonar 4 or Acid 4
try the demo of powertracks at
superb midi sequencer i use plus does 48 tracks of audio.
wont be beat for 29 bucks . if you think i'm lying talk
to users like myself on the powertracks user forum at pg.
powertracks is all one needs to do great songs.
plus easy to use.
acid and sonar are very good,,,but if you want to save money...
just try the demo.
If your question is which program handles MIDI better then there is no contest. SONAR wins hands down! Acid has, I understand, improved its MIDI capabilities, but SONAR began life as Cakewalk which was originally a MIDI only sequencer. It hasn't forgotten its roots.

Of course, SONAR 4 hasn't been released yet. It's due the end of this month. Personally, I usually wait a few weeks/months before upgrading. I like to let one or two service releases come out before I jump since those usually repair the most glaring problems that seem to be inherent in most releases.
