about cd burners


New member
I want to know the opinion of all of you in this very sensitive subject about.
For years I had been looking for a perfect machine to store a big amount of music material to be used in theatre soundtracks, music edition, personal edition, sound restoration and other areas like these.
I tried with a lot of cdburner types, but I'm satisfied. I can't consider this device like something really professional and in most cases the sound was very bad,
I got Tascam CDRW 700 .
Very fine machine, but I have to record theme by theme and the time amount to spend is very high.
I had been seeing the alesis masterlink in order to find some machine that allow route music material in track list shape like normal burner.
I'm not sure I can do it with Masterlink.
Do you?
big amount

"big amount" is a lot, tons of music material such as those great mix that I did long time ago, new music that I got, mixdowns, soundtracks for theatrical pieces, and the end... a lot music material .