Aa + Mac = 0


New member
I’m about to start a new project and my friend wants to participate in it.
The problem is next:
He doesn’t use Windows but MAC and he lives in USA so we can not meet.
I don’t think Adobe Audition works on MAC system! ???
Can anyone suggest any software for MAC.
I don’t know anything about MAC.
He used to send me mp3-files which I put to my AA session but now he wants to have his own session.

(With an “AA” I don’t think Anonymous Alcoholics.)
TimOBrien said:
You can get CubaseSE for $99 and comes with both Mac -AND- PC versions...

Let’s think that I put all my tracks in one folder together with my AA session and burn them on CD-R.
Would my friend be able to open this with Cubase on his MAC?