A very basic question.....


New member

Im new to this stuff - just regarding mixing... Say i have a vocal track, and i am mixing it. This vocal track has some parts louder than others, how do i beef up the quiet bits a bit, or reduce the loud bits to make an average level?

I am sure this is a simple question....

please email me the answer all you sound buffs


Thanks alot for sharing the musical love
Yo Nautilus:

The ROCK-MAN is right.

Or, you can do the vocal over; however, plug the mic into a good compressor and run the compressor out to your recorder and then set your levels.

I've worked with talent who have "mic savvy." They know when to get close to the mic and when to back off. Makes my job easy.

Other "talent" must be compressorized or instructed and talent hates instructions.

Green Hornet :D :D :cool: :p
Every pro vocalist uses a compressor. Every singer *should* use a compressor. Compressors are useful... heck, they are probably the biggest processing factor in having a professional sound.

Some people, like me, compress *everything* in a mix at least a little bit.

Ok well i will tell you how i record and mix things...

I picked up a copy of n-tracks

and i downloaded heaps of vst effects and that...

when you say compressor, you mean something hardware do you?

When i think compressor, I think VST plugin....

whats the diff?
