A traditional holiday tune!! RUDOLPH???? THAT YOU??


New member
wELL gUYs, here is my first submission to the clinic!! i am a total HACK!! as you will soon hear, i apologize in advance:D :eek: i whipped this up super quick, and i think you will have fun with it. even though it is a hack job:rolleyes: i would still like to get some thougts on the mix :D, if you are so inclined, LET THE FLAMING BEGIN!!!

A traditonal christmas tune, it's the only song on the page:D

all git's are acoustic, i took a page from chris harris's book, and plugged a pop in dean markley pick up into a death metal distortion pedal!!!! LOL!! (did i mention i don't know what im doing?)

Ha ha ha! LOL pretty cool stuff, rick :) Bangin those drums pretty well, there. Your voice is good, too. It's good to finally to hear something from you. Creative stuff.

Recording is actually pretty clean. This is one I'd have to sit down and analyze (with ears ;)) to figure out if anything was wrong.

The twisted vocoder voice is too much man :p LOL.


Thank's Chad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to cool that you were the first to listen!!:D i hope your ears aren't bleeding:eek:

any sonic advice???? (prolly everything:D) but is there anything that really sticks in your craw?? like, OUCH!!:D

thank's , man!!



{EDIT} just saw the rest of your post!!! vocoder???????????
Re: alright!!!

fenderlikingood said:
{EDIT} just saw the rest of your post!!! vocoder???????????

Yeah.. "Satan" there at 0:50... :)

How did you record them thar drums, btw? Pretty nice job; better that I would do on live drums.

Ok... constructive stuff? The only thing I can think of, at this point, is that this is just a quickie song. If you had time to create an actual arrangement... with well-placed instrumentation, it would reflect more as a "song" when you were done producing it. It's a fun recording right now, at any rate.

Even so, it shows really good creativity with the breaks in rhythm... and change-ups. Kinda reminds me of samicide-lite, or something... good for grins, anywho.


thank's Kramer!!!!!!! i was hoping i would get a couple laugh's out of this!!!! i was down by the swamp thursday(waycross)
i didn't see ya??:D :p

chad, yeah i did this for pure fun (and to finally get something posted!!):D i just thought i would try to pick that brain of yours!!:p all your comments are constructive, i was just trying to squeeze ya!!!;) your an asset here!!!

i recorded the dums with an SM57 on snare, Beta 52 in the kick, and a A.T. PR99 shoved between the toms.......eurorack 802A, SBlive, C.E.P. (THE POOR MANS RIG!!):)

that voice @0.50, and the growl after, was me swallowing an SM57!!:p the breathing stuff in the background was done the same way.

thank's again!!!!!!!!! i appreciate each and every comment!!


Re: yeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwww!

fenderlikingood said:
thank's Kramer!!!!!!! i was hoping i would get a couple laugh's out of this!!!! i was down by the swamp thursday(waycross)
i didn't see ya??:D :p

It's almost winter so I was probably practicing my hibernation technique.:D
Damn if it aint cold in Ga. tonight too!Dogs play tomorrow in the SEC Championship game against Arkansas.There's still a small chance They could end up in the National Championship if they win and Miami loses.It's a long shot but it's something.

OK,back to normally scheduled programming!

i hear ya Kramer!! i need to be hibernating right now!!!!!!:D my wife has the heat on "melt", but here in "my" room, i have the window open. i hate the heat!! when i was down that way thursday, the temp reached 64, when it wasn't raining!! by the time 6 'o clock rolled around, the temp had dropped more than 20 degrees!!

sound's like your going to be on the edge of your seat for the game tomorrow!!!

it would be cool if the DAWG'S did it!!!! last time they made it was back in the herchel walker day's, i think???? agains't notre dame??

anyway, GO DAWG'S!!! I'M GOING TO BED NOW:o :o :o


Dammit!.......it should be us ( LSU ) playing Georgia instead of Arkansas. I couldn't believe we lost that game. :mad:
Slick-Freakin'-Rick!!!! On POINT DAWG!!!!:cool: Kit flowed,recording smooth and vocs superbly up-front!!!!

YEAHHHH BOYYY-EEEE!!!! I'm proud AND JEALOUS of your talented

I LIKE IT!!!!!:cool:
twas a good playback on all the instruments. I like that vocal thingy, it might make me a good singer, you sounded fine. Back in about 72 I would be in the right mind to listen to that for hours :) I`m coming to Atlanta to see my Buddy soon It would be great to sit in with you somewhere.... I can bring some duct tape and fuzzy cat. :)

Haha :)-It's about time you posted something man! It was a fun listen for sure. An sblive? I feel for ya man! Actually it sounds pretty darn good...Hope we don't have to wait till next year to hear a tune from you again....enjoyed it..

I didn't see that one coming at all! :p :D too funny man..

you have a good voice, you should try to use your powers for good instead of evil! :D

thanks for the pick me up, I needed it!
That was too funny!:D Good recording for a "quicky". Everything sounded up front and clear.

How you'd you get Darth Vader to come to your studio?:D
Hey Fender.........

Wooooooooo HOoooooooo........ :D It is a pleasure to finally hear something from you man!! This was a fun one. Nice job!!!!

Now come on......... One song every 350 posts aint enough for your loyal audience man........ keep em coming:) :cool:

G w/ a happy-to-hear-it 5
Lt. Bob said:
Dammit!.......it should be us ( LSU ) playing Georgia instead of Arkansas. I couldn't believe we lost that game. :mad:

It was payback by the football gods for what you guys did to kentucky on the last play of the game.:eek: :p

(since you asked, there was a little vocal distortion at the very very very end.) and If I didn't mention it.

Yes, i do believe that this place rules!!!

Chris "Antares" Harris thank's man!!! i got the idea of "distorted acoustics" from you:D i dont own an electric git anymore, and i've been jonesing for some distortion!! i hear that clip on the word "history" too. funny thing is, that it didn't clip during tracking?? i'll get this recording stuff down one day!!!

Kramer ...............WOOF!!!!!!!!:D

G. MONEY Thank's for the 5, BRO!! i wish i could post a tune everyday!!! but im just not at that skill level yet!! but i will hopefully ruin your ears again, before i hit another 350 posts!! i cant wait for your next one!!! thank's Guernica!!!!!

SENN thanks for the kind words!!! and im glad it brought a smile to your face. me and ole darth, go back a long wayyyyy.
he lets me wear his helmet sometimes

sabbicide i gotchya with the traditonal christmas music!! hehe. im scared to death of my voice!! thanks for the props!! makes me feel better about making noises into that mic thingy:D
i use my powers for good, i just like to look evil while im doing it!!:p im glad you got a kick out of it!!! that was the whole point of this diddy!! maybe one day i will actually finish a real song!!! thanks sam!!

Strato i hear you man!!! i've been wanting to get something posted forever!! the sblive arrrrgggggggggg!!!
when i get some dough, that will be my next upgrade for sure!!!
but im glad to hear im atleast getting something useable out of it!!! and next year isn't to far away now!!!:D thanks strat!!!

Toki thank's for the vox props!!! yeah, hell yeah man!! hollar at me when your coming to town, we'll try and hook up!!
errrrrrrrrrrrrr...........duct tape and a fuzzy cat?????????? maybe not. hehe say the word!!

:D :D

Double q's can't lose! thanks for the kind words man!!!!!!!! i've been practicing!! can't wait to hook up next year!!!! thank's for all of your motivation!!!!!!!! you da man!!!

Lt bob ...like i told kramer woooooooooooffffff!!!!:D

i'm glad everbody is listening!!!!!!!! this place does rule!!!!!


fenderlikingood said:
i plugged a pop in dean markley pick up into a death metal distortion pedal!!!! LOL!!
Rick...I missed that in your original post. Nice job...

Acoustics...is there anything they CAN'T do??? I figured out it's a whole lot easier to EQ a distorted git than an electric, b/c you have to keep the lows WAY down to cut down on the feedback, so when it comes time to mix...they're done.

Anyway, I can tell from this little clip that you can seriously sing...Let us hear one? C'mon, I know you've got a few old recordings laying around somewhere. PLEASE? See, you're always pretty generous with your time, so I'd be surprised if you didn't get about 50 replies to this or more. Throw another one up on your page right quick. Did I say please yet?