A song I nearly finished....


New member
Here is a song a friend of mine wrote the lyrics for ( and sung it) and i wrote and arranged everything else.

The mix is not really final, as the voice needs to be a bit more UP FRONT and some little tweaking here and there, but i wanted to hear your comments...

The song is HERE ( in ZIP format, as the server does not allow Mp3)....

UPDATE : Here it is on Nowhereradio.com (

http://www.nowhereradio.com/artists/album.php?aid=2286&alid=-1 )

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I'm listening on headphones so I won't comment on the mix.
I don't understand the language but the content of the song seems very universal. When it's good, it's understood on many levels.
This is GOOD!

You should set up a site on
You get 15 megs free to post stuff.
Most people here won't bother to check it out if it's not there.

I'm glad I did.
Well , here in the States this would have fit right in with a late 70's movie track of some spring break beach vacation type thing. I liked it all but the sound of the keyboard/organ which was a bit loud, the breakout at 2:50 was a pleasant surprise. Nice vox as well.

Fine job
