A rough idea

Hey all, haven't posted much around here, but have had a few good reads, learnt a few things and picked up a few ideas since i first came across HR last year, as well as had the chance to hear a few interesting tunes from members here so thanks to all who may have contributed to that.

I came up with this rough mix tonight, had a listen on a couple of systems and i've think i've got some reasonable semblance of real world translation for what it is. Which is the reason for me posting more than anything else. I've got a totally untreated recording & monitoring environment, and lacking any quality monitoring - i rely on referencing mixes across a few systems, car, headphones, some nice european hi fi gear. Anyway i know it's the long way round to try and mix anything - a lot of trial and error, hit and miss, but the challenge has got to be a learning experience. I do a bit of live-sound work too so any ear training is good for me right now. So if anyone has the ears or inclination to listen, just interested to hear any opinions on what you hear, mostly with regard to the obvious deficiencies in my monitoring. Total Fail?

As far as the performance goes it's just multi tracked one take improv's over a cobbled together drum track with no real direction all slapped together in a couple of hours, pretty sloppy, a riffy musical interlude more than a song,but feel free to rip into me over that if you want..I did record a vocal, sort of gave the piece some meaning, but i canned it, it was a bit crude. Not really after a talent or songwriting critique, i know where i stand on that now.

As far as mixing goes some quick leveling and panning, some generic reverb, a touch of comp on the drums, some stupid autopanning effect at a couple of points for some extra cheese, probably too much gain on the 'mastering limiter' for some defence in the ongoing 'war', not much turd-polishing before the final mangle to mp3 for soundclod. Guitars(cheap korean strat-clone) and bass(dean metalmanML passive LOL!) all di'd, guitars through a nasty amp modelling fx unit so tone is all 'meh' - i know. All tracked and mixed in FLStudio8, 16/44.1, on an ancient core 2 Duo win7 2gig ram. Behr xenyx302 front end. Total bottom end rig :o If the source quality makes any evaluation impossible to make, i can understand that too. I live in a cabin sort of in the sticks - 18'x24'x8' mostly corrugated iron and glass, full of furniture and instruments, so there's not a lot i can do about the environment til i move from here, and acquire some more worthy gear at that point. Thanks for any input, greatly appreciated, even if it is a flaming for blaspheming against art, i could well need that too :guitar:.

Pleasant on headphones. Which is a mercy, cuz I'm reduced to headphones right now. As for purported deficiencies in your mixing, how would I know that?

The opening's great, and you could easily bring that simplicity in later on just by muting stuff. Just a couple bars.
Cool, thanks for that, i know it's a bit much to expect an analysis of my monitoring, so i get your point there. A few general impressions are about as much as i could expect, which is why i posted a piece which mix wise i thought sounded 'ok' on the spot, without too much tweaking and 'producing' and overthinking, and didn't have any real attachment to. Honestly i only see this as a scratch track/demo as far as quality goes, and given the quality of the gear involved, hearing it sounds pleasant on headphones is encouraging to hear. Overall i thought the tone and performance was pretty harsh, but then if i'm referencing any sounds i'm looking at stuff like Butthole Surfers, Throbbing Gristle, mostly stuff from the vinyl 'indie/alt' era .... yea i'm a dinosaur.

As far as developing this piece any further, i hear what you say about pulling a few elements here and there, its a pretty monotonous turn-around as it stands, there was a breakdown section in the middle that i just cut wholesale, mostly trashy drumfills and pointless bad-tone guitar *&^$ery, and only real drums could do that any form of justice. If it did ever go any further i would have a female vocal in there and re arrange, re-track the whole thing using better instruments. It'd only ever stand as a piece of kitsch, cliche, B-music. This will more than likely drift off into the pile of half-finished projects and archived practice sessions and ideas that i should get around to deleting one day. Thanks for the listen.