A *REALLY* stupid question


New member
This'll seem dead thick to you lot, I'm sure, but in my college, on the music-y computers they've got soundcards (Delta 1010s, if it matters), with a load of cables coming out, that go into mixers, MIDI stuff, etc. There's eight inputs, and eight outputs, I think. What are these cables called, do they go with any sound card, and would you recommend any?

Sorry for the awful vagueness.

Hmm, nope.

It seems to come out of the sound card, and breaks into about sixteen different little cables. I think I got taught that they all do different things, one is a Word Clock(?), some are inputs, some outputs, some are SPDIFs(?), or something.
I'm going to guess you're referring to the Delta 1010lt and it's breakout cables, which are white and red female RCA type inputs and outputs, along with two female XLR type inputs.

There's also a digital breakout, which you seem to be describing as well. 2 female RCA types for S/PDIF, 2 MIDI connectors for MIDI I/O, and 2 BNC connectors for word clock.

As far as recommending if you get any of these cables for your own? Well, if you bought a Delta 101lt, then i would hope you'd have them. :) If you bought a different soundcard, you'll want to use the appropriate cables for it, be they RCA, 1/4", XLR, or whatever.

Hope this helps.
What you're describing sounds right, only the above picture put me off a little. You mean they come with sound cards?
Yeah sorry I probably should have linked you to a picture of the 1010lt myself. And yes, those breakout cables do come with the 1010lt.