A quick question about mixers


New member
On the Mackie sr24/4 board, it says it has 24 channels. Now, the same board has 22 faders. Where are the other 2 faders? How would you tweak the 23&24th tracks if you had this set up for a 24 track machine? Can you deal with 24 tracks on with this particular board? I'm confused...
Two of the faders control stereo channels, (21-22, 23-24).

Personally I think 24 channels are too few for a 24-track machine, if that is what you are referring to with "deal with 24-tracks". If you have a 24-track tape, I'd go for a 32-channel mixer. You might want to sync things, and you might want to use the normal mixer channels as effect returns to get filtering on them.