A question regarding the physics of M-S stereo micing

Light said:
There IS no difference. The only reason people use matrixes is because setting the levels of the two sides signals can be a bit annoying. Actually, it is not at all difficult. The difficulty comes in CHANGEING the level of the MS signal when you mix, if you decode at mix down (and I for one don't really see the point in decoding to tape) the level of the two side signals MUST remain EXACTLY the same, or it doesn't work. That is easy with automation, but difficult without it.

Actually, come to think of it, the main reason people use matrixes is probably because some companies marketing company told them they needed it. They don't actually do anything useful, but if you don't know the theory behind it, advertising mooks can sell you anything.


but any SLIGHT differences between the 3 different channels circuitry might color or affect the way the MS spectrum is going to sound (at least in the analog world)? just wondering because you said they have to be EXACTLY the same....i know it may not do much, but for a perfectionist do you think they'd sonically be able to tell the difference?
It would only be a big deal if the 2 mult channels had a difference. The mid mic wouldn't matter.
bennychico11 said:
but any SLIGHT differences between the 3 different channels circuitry might color or affect the way the MS spectrum is going to sound (at least in the analog world)? just wondering because you said they have to be EXACTLY the same....i know it may not do much, but for a perfectionist do you think they'd sonically be able to tell the difference?

It's a console. You set the channels the same, they have the same circuitry, they are exactly the same.

Where is the difference? Particularly since most matrix boxes are cheap POS.

As far as getting the levels the same, it is incredibly easy. You monitor the side channels in mono (or just pan them down the middle, or off to one side, or what ever), and then you bring the faders up until you don't hear anything (the two signals cancel one another out). That's it. No trouble at all, except in the minds of marketing mooks.

Or, oops, sorry. Let me guess, a salesman a Banjo Mart talk you into buying a matrix box, right?


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Light said:
Or, oops, sorry. Let me guess, a salesman a Banjo Mart talk you into buying a matrix box, right?

no, i was just interested in how the matrices worked. as i said twice before....i've never even seen one, so I was just wondering. no big deal