A question prompted by the Korg MS2000


New member
I just got the Korg MS2000, and it is a very nice synth from what I have seen so far.

However, all I had before this was a Roland RS-5, which is basically a sampler-performing synth.

Now, I have all these parameter knobs and programming options, but with most of them I don't quite understand what they do to the sound itself. In other words, if I want to create a certain sound, I want to know how to make it, not just keep turning the knobs until something sounds good. When I turn the filters and oscillators, I want to understand how I am affecting the sound and what it is I am actually doing.

Any links or information to something that would help me on this would be great. (the manuals don't really cover this-they basically assume I know what all the functions are).

You'll get the hang of it after a while. I was just as confused when I first got mine. It's a good synth to learn what all those parameters are.

I know your nowhere close to absorbing all the sounds it comes with but there are more on korgs site that are available too. Just so you know.

Do a search on synth programming and you should be able to find some resources that explain the basics.

Be sure and check out the "dual" voice feature. And the MOD sequencer.

If you have any specific questions I may be able to help you.
Try making a search on "subtractive synthesis" or something. I don't know of any good pages myself, since I learnt all this 20 years ago, and there was no web then. :)
push the mod/delay button on any patch and turn the right knob to the right and the left knob to the left and tweek em back and forth. That is one truely nasty sound! I love it.
subtractor said:
push the tittie/delay sucking on any bloody patches. and turn the right tittie to the right and the left tittie to the left and wiggle em back and forth. I'm one truely nasty boy! I love it.