A question of opinion, probably...


New member
Ok, I'm trying to decide on a format so I figured I'd see what everyones opinions are on this.
I'm lucky enough to have a good sized space to build a studio (for all styles rock/acoustic/electronic stuff).
I've decided to go digital BUT I'm torn between 2 options. The question is: If you could have a Tascam mx-2424, or a Mac G4 with Protools (or something of the likes), what would you choose and why. Thanks for your response!-Ryan

hmm.. i would go witht he 2424. cant you just hook a monitor up to that and hve all your non-linear editing needs? and you can rack it and take it gigging.. its protable and there were naked people walking around my apartment last night getting it on. i saw naked people.
If I was in your position, I would go the computer route due to having more flexibility with being able to add additional software such as plug-ins, or other recording software.
Thanks for you input

I've used DA-38's before and I like the idea of having a standalone unit for tracking, but it just seems that I could get so much more for the money if I went the computer route. The thing that scares me the most is when I'd be putting the finishing tracks down w/ a computer, and the thing freezes up and i've got people who want to kill me!!
But thanks for the input, I appreciate it
Re: Thanks for you input

RyanV said:
I've used DA-38's before and I like the idea of having a standalone unit for tracking, but it just seems that I could get so much more for the money if I went the computer route. The thing that scares me the most is when I'd be putting the finishing tracks down w/ a computer, and the thing freezes up and i've got people who want to kill me!!
But thanks for the input, I appreciate it

Ryan, Here's the key to the Computer, if you choose to go that route.

You do not put anything in it, that is not music related.
No Modem, No Videogames-the only software you put in it-is whatever the OS platform is, and The Software that you're going to record with, and nothing else. Not even a Printer.

Because you're asking the PC to be your Recorder.

I personally, had this very same issue to deal with, and I opted for a pair of DA-38's for 16 track. I am interested in HD multitrack recording, and I may possibly go with the
Tascam HD recorder.

I still like to use the mixingboard though for mixing-so in all reallity HD recording on a computer would be more of a Hassle. Franted I do use the PC for Mixing & Mastering-but it's getting a feed off of a Tascam DA302 Dual DAT machine-so the copy going to the PC is a second Copy.

Thanks for the advice Tim!

I'm actually thinking of buying a new Mac G4 (probably a 500mhz w/ at least 128RAM). I'm still wondering if that's a wise choice vs. a PC, but that's a question that can't seem to be asked without starting a war with people. I've just heard from many people that if you use a Mac for recording only, it's a little easier to deal work with than a PC. And I'm not a computer genius so anything easier will help. I do like the idea of mixing on a board because I've done some work myself in a home studio w/ DA-38's and no computer for mixing/editing, as well as not a lot of outboard gear and I was really happy with the results. I was thinking that if i wasn't too happy with plugins, I could sync 2 cards like the motu2408's and do my mixing from the board, but time will tell.
Thanks again,