A question about bleeding

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Rock Star 87

New member
Is bleeding bad? I have been bleeding from my nose for at least 6 hours now.


No seriously, I am having a problem with bleeding. When I record vocals, the mic picks up the music from the headphones. It's not really loud or noticable, but it is there.

Any tips before I bleed out?
get better isolated headphones, and maybe lower down the volume of the headphones, and the recording level of the mic a tad bit.
Is the bleed a pleasant sound? One measure of the effect of bleed, is what it sounds like when it is isolated. This sound will be added to your final recording. If it sounds like a little scratchy record (as in what would come from headphones), you may want to try to get rid of it. In mjost cases bleed is covered up by the full sound of the instruments that created it in the first place, but in some cases, depending on the mic used the bleed can be quite unpleasant and not something you want to include. It may also cause timing artifacts depending on how far the mic is from the headphones, or in most cases how far it is from the instrument bleeding into it.

Is it noticable when you're singing or just in the parts between the vocal phrases. If you can't hear it on the track when you're singing, just gate or mute out the rest.
to fix it: get better isolating headphones or turn down the monitoring volume in your headphones.

likewise, once the vocal track is placed into the mix with the rest of the tracks, that bleed will probably not be noticible at all.

i often track vocals in the control room with monitors blaring. works just fine.

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