A Portable VST Host for live shows? Laptop replacement...


New member
I've got a keyboard that I use almost only for one organ sound that I use as a VSTi on Cubase. I'd like to use this setup at live shows but I'd like to make it more portable, I can't seem to find anything more portable than having a laptop set up there on the stage next to the keyboard. Is it possible to load this VSTi into something, like a small box, or perhaps are there keyboard models that allow VSTiis to be loaded into them?

Any other solutions for my problem?


I know of one company that makes exactly what you're looking for. A little pricey, though. It works as a VSTi host.


My guess is you'll want to continue to use your laptop. I wonder if there is freeware for a VSTi Host instrad of using your DAW.
You can go over to kvraudio.com (THE cataloger of VSTs) and use the search bar to find free vst hosts.

I use Toybear's (he's German) Minihost. Its free and does a great job.