A picture tells 1000 words

minimal me

New member
Inside her 'Revelator' CD there's a photo of Gillian Welch and David Rawlings and their recording setup. Apparently they were able to face each other, put mics on their mouths and guitars, play and sing the song together simultaneously, and achieve the most compelling acoustic mix/sound I've heard, particularly on the title track.

I want to learn all I can about what sets this record apart. Granted, the musicianship and the gear are both beyond my reach, but what else is it that they're doing so RIGHT?

I would like to know anything y'all could tell me about how they're getting that sound, either based on the picture or other knowledge.

I haven't seen the video here http://www.gillianwelch.com/discography/revelator.htm
but will check it out at work early manana on a faster connection.
I don't have all that much quality input for this but is that their actual recording setup or does it just look nice?
minimal me said:
I want to learn all I can about what sets this record apart. Granted, the musicianship and the gear are both beyond my reach, but what else is it that they're doing so RIGHT?

I think you just answered your own question. Just sounds to me like a really sweet voice with some killer harmonies recorded in a nice, reverberant space using some mighty fine mics. The guitar she's playing has a great tone, to boot. I don't think there's any real magic going on here or anything.
That is a great album, engineering and song/performance wise. My wife can't stand it, it's too depressing for her!
Interesting tidbit - when they perform live (though I've never seen them) they don't have any pickups in their instruments and use SM57 (I think?) to mic them. Very minimalistic.
Think I'll put that disc on tonight when I go into my studio (AKA basement!)
They sure got a good take live at that 'Down From the Mountain' CD!! ("I wanna sing that rock and roll...") Since they were part of a larger show, though, those weren't SM 57's.

I'd love to see them live
"A picture tells 1000 words"

In this case, I'd say that "a picture SAYS a thousand words".... if you catch my drift?

anyone can tell the mics they are using?

Are those TLM103 on vocals?
what about guitars? looke like some vintage tube mic....
I want to keep this thread going by asking whether this recording is as 'real' as it sounds and looks.

What effects are these folks using, or is it as direct as it sounds? (How) were they able to separate the 4 input tracks they were recording simultaneously, or was that really and truly a moot point because they didn't need to do any treatment to any of the tracks separately?

Basically, could this have really been done in 'one take', or is there some sophisticated treatment that allows things to SOUND minimal? That amazing picture in the CD sleeve has them sitting there together with their microphones and guitars, but I notice from streaming the video that they are never actually shown performing together.