A NEW song, what you think..?


New member
Hows it going yall..? I felt like recording this morning and I came up with this.. I think it came out pretty damn good for what its worth.. My mixing skills are getting alot better lately.. I should have brought the base up a little in the beat but oh well. ok ok here is the link


its called " freeversing over some shit "

Like I said some mess around stuff.. Tell me what you think.. Hope you enjoy..
damn no replies..? shiat i gotta get better i guess.. lol

ight i edited this in...

I remember i started rapping and recording in febuary of 03... I stopped posting on the forums I was apart of because the people that were better then me I surpassed.. It started to seem like people didnt reply to my songs cuz there was nothing negative to talk about.. I hope that isn't happening here.. I appreciate anything anyone has to say.. If you think its cool then its cool, if you dont like it im all for you speaking your mind.. All this post is for is to get feedback but it seems I cant even do that, over 20 views and no reply's.. I mean cmon yall.. Whats good?
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Naw yo link aint work for me man it may be the server I will try again latter I feel you on the 100 views no replies shit it is silly
Once again Thirst showing off his talent!!

It was great!! I don't know what else to say but that it was great. Depressing lyrics but at the same time entertaining. Have you ever tried to put your stuff out, like maybe on the radio?
hey a reply lol..

Thanks alot man.. No I havent not yet.. Im putting a couple of new songs i did last night also up on my page better then the one you just heard.. I did 2 last night that came out good.. As for the radio I havent really pushed my stuff yet.. Just been trying to get better ya know.. Thanks alot man its appreciated..
the way you rap remind me of Eminem. I think you got what it takes to be in the music biz fa sho.

I see u still thinkin about playin live..u really should. Show off what u got.
note: irony ^^you said he sounds like eminem on a benzino beat haha

yeah thirst i dunno if i've ever listened to ur shit before but I like your style. I dunno if i'd compare it to eminems to me the flow sounds more like some Styles P sh*t
The mixing is really good you got the vocals sittin really nice in the trax i listened to, which heaps of amateur rappers F up hard. Good Recording skills too... maybe we could collab in the future.
i ain't too good at criticizing lyrics, all I can say is I like what I hear. :)

i just agree with the Eminem ressemblance btw.
there was a slight eminem resemblance in this track but little. Eminem then again is not the first rapper to sound and rap like that. The only diference is that he is the first one with that style to be well known.
Thanks alot fellaz and prety chica.. Means alot.. Glad to see people like my music.. Helps me get better.. Thanks again..