A new song for you to listen to

Id cut the low end on the guitar some and fatten the bass on the low end around 150 and add a touch around 450 with the rest of the highs pulled off. I couldalmost hear a drummer building up from about 2:36 to to 2:40 and a whole band playing when you start singing again around there. Nice song, the guitar at the beginning sounded real nice with the chorus.
Toki987 said:
Id cut the low end on the guitar some and fatten the bass on the low end around 150 and add a touch around 450 with the rest of the highs pulled off. I couldalmost hear a drummer building up from about 2:36 to to 2:40 and a whole band playing when you start singing again around there. Nice song, the guitar at the beginning sounded real nice with the chorus.

Yep my drum kit's broken at the moment, the only reason there are no drums. I'm also working on a piano part (similar to the intro guitar) which will come in after the first chorus I think. Unfortunately I have no way of recording piano at the moment. Thanks!
My first thought is you could cut that intro in half. It takes a bit too long to get going. Either that or maybe add some kind of lead instrument to keep our attention.

The guitars are very boomy and low-mids heavy, and make the vox sound very thin. I'd scoop a hellofa lot of low end out of those guitars. They're eating up your frequencies down there, which is part of why it's so hard to hear the bass.

And bring up those vox!
