A Little More Live Music…

Wil Davis

New member
Here are a few excerpts I recorded recently at the Acton Jazz Cafe in Massachusetts. Neumann KM-184s on the piano, KM-185 on the double-bass, Audix F10/F15/F12 on the drum kit, and Earthworks TC30K for room ambience. There are some pics also - enjoy…

tunes (medium-res to preserve at least a semblance of fidelity, so they're big-ish…)


- Wil
why is the entire drumset panned off to the left?
i'm not a big fan of the bass sound...but that's no surprise because you used small condensers on it.

not a bad sound though for live. nice players too. especially the bass player. who knew a chic could play jazz bass (a cute one at that too) ;)

i'd say pan the drums over the entire field and you'll have a nice mix (same with piano)
bennychico11 said:
why is the entire drumset panned off to the left?
Hey, Ben...either I have equipment problems or you're wearing your headphones backwards. ;) :D

I think maybe Wil was shooting for a literal translation of position of the live trio on the stage, which isn't that uncommon for such recordings in that style. It could work either way.

All in all, it's a nice recording and mix. Even the audience sounds natural. Half of me'd be tempted to expiriment with just the slightest extra touch of warm-ambience-style verb on the keys, though the other half wants to slap my first half around for even thinking of adding artiface to the sound :p .

And, yeah the bass player is cute. I'm a sucker for a cute gal with musical talent :P~~~

SouthSIDE Glen said:
Hey, Ben...either I have equipment problems or you're wearing your headphones backwards. ;) :D

ahhhh...you're right
something's messed up with my setup. i just played a different song, bad connection with a speaker

okay, ignore all of what i said before. sorry :o