a little help for the little people...


New member
I've got some songs up at nowhere that I would like to get some mixing and sound placement critique on. The titles are Get On. True and Human Nature. I have vocals recorded on True for the chorus, but you've gotta listen until about 1:20 or so to catch these. Thanks graciously in advance for any and all assistance...

Sorry but I had a problem and can only listen lo-fi. Still I think the vocals sound too weak in True. I think they should come up a little.
I listened to "True."

Real smooth sound. The instrument selections were very good. I think you really have the ambience that you're going for.

Some strange things going on in the low end. The kick is, I think, a bit too powerfull. It's taking too much headroom and attention from the other instruments and the vocals. It actually made my tiny headphones shake - and I wasn't playing it very loud.

Nice vocalist. She has a real smooth delivery. Nice harmonies.

I would have liked a little fuller tone in the piano. It seems like a bunch of lows have been cut. I'd pull back the kick and bass and give some space to the piano.

Tought to understand the words. You could probably bring up the vox a bit. They're the thing that should be featured. A bit heavy on the verb. I think the verb type is pretty good, but I think the wet/dry mix is a bit too wet.
some good sounds there, smooth music. The first vocal tune put me in mind of "Return to Forever". There`s some gates and envelope stuff going thats a lil strange to me. The piano notes seem gated and limited heavy and the envelopes on some of the percussion don`t develop either. Nice bass tone and kick. I`d play with the levels a bit and, the instruments breathe a little more. The girl has a nice voice. The picture as whole is pretty good.
Vocals are definitely too soft.....they sound like they'd sound good if I could only hear them.

Although I agree with TM about the kick........that is the sound that's in vogue right now in hip-hop. I hate it myself, but it's stylish. :D

Human Nature....well, there's that kick again......hmmmmmmmm, on this one I think the background stuff needs to be much louder although I'm not sure that there isn't something wrong with the download.....it sounds like something from Dr Stawl!
Yeah, the only things you hear clearly is the kick and the claps.

Same thing with Get On......nothing up in the mix at all except kick and clap ( snare?)

Your music is nice and I think there's some real good stuff here but it needs a total remix with an effort to make sure that volume levels are more balanced than they are right now.
I look forward to hearing this stuff remixed and with the vox on it.
Listened to Human Nature. I can hear the sound you are going for. I think the kick is possibly too distracting here. Maybe a remix with the kick further back, and some of the other instruments brought up a bit. There were some interesting things going on with the synths in the background, but they were a bit hard to hear.

Will be interesting to hear how the vocal/melody goes on this.

Not bad, just needs a bit of tweaking.

I mostly agree with previous comments in that my problem with these is not the recording so much as it is the fader adjustments on everything. Were these mixed in headphones by any chance? There are some very odd volume things happening.


most of these pieces were mixed from the devices the sounds come from in stereo and then sent to a mixer. I am in the process of tracking all of the sounds in my 16 track multirecorder to gain more control and tweakability of all the sounds. Will repost after complete. By the way I am using an AKAI DPS16 for mixing and recording...any takes on how good of a machine this really is....

More comments/suggestions/praise/disgust all welcome.

Thanks to all contributors,
thanks again...

for all of the comments. They all proved quite helpful. I am going to do some remixing and then repost the results soon.

I'm probably too late to be of any benefit, but I like making useless comments, lol. I don't really have the same problem with the level of the kick, but I do think it oughtta' be in the center of the mix...is it panned towards the left?

Anyway, regardless of where the kick ends up (panning and volume), I'd agree that the vocal needs a healthy bump towards the 0db line. :D

It'd be cool to hear this develop. Post a new thread when you remix?

-another nobody