a little dilemma here


New member
Please read this, my band needs help...I'm not a newbie, I am familiar with this site which helped me build my first project studio. I used to own an aardvark q10 and a bunch of other great gear to record on, but I eventually sold it all on ebay. When I formed my current band I just figured we'd use a "real" recording studio, naive right? So after doing that a couple of times I realize how costly it is and how much I wish I hadn't sold all my equipment!

Anyway, I need to finish our cd we started in a professional studio on my PC. We've been sitting on it for THREE MONTHS now! We are a rock-trio. We have all the drums, bass, and guitar tracks finished. The engineer who recorded us recorded the drums on 2" analog tape, which sound nice! They were then transferred to a hard drive in 24 bit/48khz quality. The bass and guitars were recorded through the analog tape machine to the digital domain. He uses an Alesis 24 track hard disk recorder to control the rest of the tracking. I don't know what mixer he has or preamps he used. I was too busy trying to get good takes to notice!

All I need to do now is record the vocals and mix it....easy right? So I had him transfer all our tracks (9 songs) to DVD-R. They all fit on 2 discs. They sound great...I'm using Vegas and Sound Forge.

My computer is kinda outdated in terms of processing speed (800mhz) but with plenty memory and hard drive space to complete the project. It will handle it fine. All I need to do is send one vocal track in at a time. However, I need to be able to play back 24 tracks at once! So from reading about all these USB devices I am finding they dont have the bandwith to handle this task. Plus the sound card I am using currently is CRAP. It will need to be replaced anyway so I figure I'll go the PCI route. I have been using the search engine on here and have read a lot of posts about new products but am still confused on what to do. I could spend another month just researching and it's already been 3 months! My band is getting frustrated. So I have to ask, can anyone make a recommendation?? I'd like to spend between 2-3 hundred...5 is my maximum. Please help!
When you are mixing, you typically listen to stereo mix. You only need the bandwidth to send out two tracks. It's the computer that is playing the 24 tracks and mixing them down to a stereo signal that actually gets sent out to the USB device. I guess it's possible that you might be pushing the capabilities of the 800 MHz PC to handle 24 tracks, especially if you're using effects plugins on some of them... but the USB interface should not be a problem.
AlChuck is correct. USB only causes problems when recording more than 2 tracks. Unless you're trying to master a track in 5.1 with USB equipment, you're not going to have any issues.