A lengthy new hello.....


Cowboy Chord Virtuoso
Hey Guys,

Well, I think I"m settling in here now. Since I saw most of you last, we sold the trailer.....bought a house.... got my wife squared away medically.....acquired a new room that I am going to need help setting up....wrote (or co-wrote 14 songs) for my annual February project.... and now I thought I was going to relax.... except for the carnage checklist..............................................

Carnage Checklist:

#1. TASCAM 234 CHANNEL 4 - quit recording
#2 Uher 8000 tape player-need to get working
#3 Tascam 244 Portastudio- Issues
#4 General recording- why can't I find this metaphorical "room" thang in my recordings.....
#5 Building a music spaceout of my real room thang

I guess thats about it.... anyway.... as always.... I look forward to talking with you folks.

Carnage. I hate the carnage. I think my carnage list is bigger than yours...makes it seem futile. Must be hard for you to feel "that close" to having things working and have "issues".

Does the track 4 record enable LED illuminate when recording? Does it play back track 4 of previously successful recordings?

Glad your wife's medical needs are under control.

"Room thang"...so are you wanting more ambiance? Remind me what mic(s) you are using and how do you have them positioned relative to your source(s)? Are you able to walk around the room while the source(s) is/are making noise to listen for a nice sound in the room to guide where you place the mic(s)?
Carnage - the piles of extra junk that can be arranged to shape the sound of a room. Two a77, box of leftovers from a ATR-700 rebuild, three Akai x-IV, two tube Teacs

More topical than a patch of foam


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Does the track 4 record enable LED illuminate when recording? Does it play back track 4 of previously successful recordings?
Yes.... I had just finished recording on track 4 the night before. The recording enable light works, and when I plug the mic into the 234 directly and turn up the trim, I can barely hear my voice when I tested it. Playback is normal. In fact, for the last two songs I recorded, I recorded it on a Portastudio, but mixed it on the 234.

"Room thang"...so are you wanting more ambiance? Remind me what mic(s) you are using and how do you have them positioned relative to your source(s)? Are you able to walk around the room while the source(s) is/are making noise to listen for a nice sound in the room to guide where you place the mic(s)?
The "room" I'm talking about is inside the song. My voice sounds like it mixes with the guitar in the music. I've tried playing with the equalizer and panning, but just can't seem to get it right. One of my goals this year (after fixing the 234), is to get the basics down of sound separation in a song.

If I remember right, I think every channel has its own card on the 234. I'm going to try unseating and seating the connectors first to see if that might be the problem.

Carnage - the piles of extra junk that can be arranged to shape the sound of a room. Two a77, box of leftovers from a ATR-700 rebuild, three Akai x-IV, two tube Teacs

More topical than a patch of foam

Now I like that Idea!!!!
Hi Brad,
What are your Tascam 244 issues?
I'm currently in the process of trying to refurbish one and haven't come up with a great way to fix the transport buttons which have broken from the little tabs that hold them to the faceplate.
On the 234 does it make a difference if you record from the LINE IN 4 jack or is it the same result as the MIC jack?

The rec/play amp cards are not separate in the 234. All 4 channels are on one board.
On the 234 does it make a difference if you record from the LINE IN 4 jack or is it the same result as the MIC jack?

The rec/play amp cards are not separate in the 234. All 4 channels are on one board.

I couldn't remember how the cards were set up..... Darn..... so much for the easy fix......

Both the Line in and the Mic Jacks have the same result ( I used the same Mic with a RCA to 1/4 adapter, then tried the same setup on channel 3. On channel 3 it worked both line in and mic. On channel 4 neither worked).
Yeah..... I know..... :) ....except I had just broken open a new box of high bias tapes from National Audio when this happened. First time I've used these tapes.... I'm going to keep my eye on em....
Good idea, but the take-away is the pattern on the heads. Why is it in this area ? It don't hurt to pull out a couple feet of tape and inspect it, though.

I'm doing small parcels of Fuji NOS DR-II, when I can't get decent normal formulations
Congrats on resolving at least one bug-a-boo, Brad. That was going to be my next suggestion (check and clean the heads), but you said it is playing back track 4 fine, so I was starting in on narrowing down an electronic culprit.
Hi Brad,
What are your Tascam 244 issues?
I'm currently in the process of trying to refurbish one and haven't come up with a great way to fix the transport buttons which have broken from the little tabs that hold them to the faceplate.

Mine has a couple of electronic issues. One was a bad line Jack. I honestly can't remember the other problems. I've got to troubleshoot the thing again.

I remember seeing a transport button fix somewhere... either here, or somewhere else on the web..... I'll see if I can find it

Is this it? https://homerecording.com/bbs/general-discussions/analog-recording-and-mixing-tape-and-gear/tascam-244-control-buttons-387558/#post4390945
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Congrats on resolving at least one bug-a-boo, Brad. That was going to be my next suggestion (check and clean the heads), but you said it is playing back track 4 fine, so I was starting in on narrowing down an electronic culprit.

Yeah.... thank goodness on that one!! I love that 234 and I relied on it pretty heavy last month. I'm glad it wasn't major, because the other two I have in the barn are going to take awhile (the uher and the 244). I've got a couple of honey-do's, then it's on to those things.
Thanks for the help!!!