A Joe Biden Poll

Do you think Joe Biden is one of the best U. S. Presidents in the last 30 years?

  • No!

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Fukk No!

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Are You High AND Stupid?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • My username is Dave Matthews

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I Am An Illegal Immigrant Living In The U.S.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • I teach chemistry to kids in England

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joe should be in a nursing home

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Serious question. Does anyone actually really support Joe?

Seriously, are people who are pro Biden supporting him because he’s doing a good job, and is a capable leader?…….Or are they pro Biden just because they don’t want Trump????

I don’t support either. The problem is we have this two party system and are forced to choose between two dogshit candidates.
I don’t see anyone else who is a viable alternative.

Surely we can, and need to do better than this. Or can we????
You know where I stand. I have legitimate critiques and gripes with the current administration. But I would rather have the rotting dead corpse of Biden for four more years than that vindictive, scowling, mean-spirited, serial lying rapist election-thief.

My feelings about that have only hardened.
You know where I stand. I have legitimate critiques and gripes with the current administration. But I would rather have the rotting dead corpse of Biden for four more years than that vindictive, scowling, mean-spirited, serial lying rapist election-thief.

My feelings about that have only hardened.
You’re still left with a piece of shit running the country.

We need better.

And we need someone who truly puts the well being of America first. I’m tired of this Israel and Ukraine first bullshit.

You don’t give your neighbor the last of your money to fix their leaky roof when your own roof is rotten.

But it’s even worse, we borrow the money to give to others. It’s not like the US has a savings account with unlimited cash in it.

And with all the billions given away to foreign countries, people on Maui who lost everything got a measly 700 dollars.

That’s an insult to the American people!
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You’re still left with a piece of shit running the country.

We need better.

And we need someone who truly puts the well being of America first. I’m tired of this Israel and Ukraine first bullshit.

You don’t give your neighbor the last of your money to fix their leaky roof when your own roof is rotten.

But it’s even worse, we borrow the money to give to others. It’s not like the US has a savings account with unlimited cash in it.

And with all the billions given away to foreign countries, people on Maui who lost everything got a measly 700 dollars.

That’s an insult to the American people!
Wow. Hate much?
"Hate" is kinda strong. But I do have a very strong dislike for Donald Trump's character. But you know this about me Jimmy. We've been down that road - you know where I stand with regard to that individual. I know I sound like a broken record - but it's not a partisan or ideological thing with me. Mostly not. It's about character. Anyway - there's nothing I can do about it one way or the other but share my point of view. You also have a good weekend.
Straighten his tie maybe. She loves Joe.
I can relate but not a Mom; and ex-gf from 9th/10th grade that we finally consummated 2 years ago after parental intervention or drunk friends interrupting years ago. She is absolutely convinced Biden is the bet President in years and there is no persuading so I don’t try. I blocked her number though last year when I piped up about aid (then) to Ukraine and lack of leadership to intervene and encourage negotiations. She responded at first with “What’s wrong with giving money to support Ukraine?” It was a serious question and she informs herself by watching news channel shows and believing it all as final truth. I gave a somewhat cold departing remark and haven’t talked to her since
I can relate but not a Mom; and ex-gf from 9th/10th grade that we finally consummated 2 years ago after parental intervention or drunk friends interrupting years ago. She is absolutely convinced Biden is the bet President in years and there is no persuading so I don’t try. I blocked her number though last year when I piped up about aid (then) to Ukraine and lack of leadership to intervene and encourage negotiations. She responded at first with “What’s wrong with giving money to support Ukraine?” It was a serious question and she informs herself by watching news channel shows and believing it all as final truth. I gave a somewhat cold departing remark and haven’t talked to her since
Good for you. Women are crazy enough as it is , but a mainstream media devotee takes it to a whole new level.

Serious question. Does anyone actually really support Joe?

Seriously, are people who are pro Biden supporting him because he’s doing a good job, and is a capable leader?…….Or are they pro Biden just because they don’t want Trump????

I don’t support either. The problem is we have this two party system and are forced to choose between two dogshit candidates.
I don’t see anyone else who is a viable alternative.

Surely we can, and need to do better than this. Or can we????
I am pro Trump because I honestly believe he is the best candidate to unmangle a shitload of twisted spaghetti financially, that he commands fear (respect…whatever and not as relevant) when in office. War keeps our weapons makers in the US employed and busy, but when the scale start to lean more to one side and demand outweighs supply, bad decisions can be made. He is pro military though maybe this isn’t the time to parade that since military has its hand full currently in private contractor production.

Aside from that silver lining, military and production of craft and weapons is expensive. Except for times of war declaration with boots on the ground, who are we to be making and spending and giving? Unnecessary.

Do you see lethargy and obese bloating of our Capitalist system manifesting itself in our government and will Trump solve that? He will not but statistically he will likely reduce the burden of bought government. Do I believe he knows the truth of how that works prior to his first term? I do.

Do I believe he has the balls and authoritative ‘I don’t take shit from no one’ with cred behind it?. I do.

Do I think he hasn’t lied and shmoozed his way around and to avoid hits in his character along the way? I do not and he likely has

Let’s see what juries and judges and final verdicts are including final appeals.personally,
I do.

If I look at his role as a father as a character trait of raising children well do I think his children are educated and well-raised?
I do.

Do I think he fkkd the schit out of Stormy Daniels and wanted any bad press to disappear?
I do.

Is he, did he, I can’t believe he, how dare he, etc., etc., etc.

I would vote for Fran Drescher’s character voice before I would even CONSIDER voting for Kamala Harris, which is who a Biden vote is realistically for given that:

• He has displayed signs of cognitive degeneration in many unscripted times live
• His mind/body coordination has resulted in trips, falls, spatial confusion
•The fact that he was determined mentally confused and unfit cognitively to stand trial as a defendant in the special investigation of unauthorized holding/possession of classified documents at his personal residence
•Joe will not last as acting President from Jan 2025 until Jan 2029, dates of active duty and this alone should be at least considered in everyone’s opinion.

Me personally for the afore mentioned reasons I would not vote for Biden, especially the last Harris bullet point, I would vote for Trump based on the first points of support I provided even if it was not against the current POTUS and VP (none of which was spoon fed from Google as ‘fact’), but important points in that and some minor points against of why I will vote for, and support this man. Even if I didn’t for the right reasons I abhor the idea of Kamala Harris being acting President so would vote against her EVEn if I didn’t like Trump and see value in him as a President
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