A Good Monitoring Amp!?


New member
I am getting sick of alesis amps!
My monitor speakers are great(Yamaha NS-10's)
But I can't find an amp that compliment them really well! Any ideas? I don't need a big one because NS-10's are only 25watts RMS/ 50 max
hi, i'm thinking of setting up my PC to do recording as well and i'm getting a set of used NS-10M. i'm still new to this and i'm wondering.... are NS-10Ms any good?

on top of that, someone recommended the NAD320 amp. would the NS-10 and the NAD make a good pair?

thanks very much for your help!
I'm in the process of rebuilding some NS-500's right now. The *tiny* amount of information I got from dejanews and elsewhere was that:

NS-10's are pretty harsh. Poor lows and really fatiguing. BUT, they were so widely used that people are comfortable with them. Kinda like the SM-57...not the greatest mic in the world...but a standard that produces adequate, predictable results.

I also read that some guys prefered the NS-500's which are no longer made (early 80's, late 70's)...which is why I snapped em up at a pawn shop for $35! Ha. Course they'll cost me $150 to repair.

But that's not really relavent. What's your price range? I'm sure that someone can give you more options if you name your price.

Slackmaster 2000
The NS-10's full name is NS-10M (the M stands for monitor) some people say that they are "harsh", other people say that they are really "bad sounding" the truth of the matter is that they are the most accurate "flat" studio near field monitor to date! The bad or harsh sound that people speak of is actually how the music "really" sounds without any coloration.

So get a pair, get use to them (they DO take getting use to) and then if it sounds good on the NS-10's (NS-10M's) it will sound incredible on anything else!

Best Best Best Best!
The high's on the NS-10's can be a bit fatiguing but the way around that is easy (this has been the long standing trick with them)--take a peice of tissue and tape it over the tweeter :) no prob!
i'm getting the NS-10Ms cos it's supposed to have the least colouration and it's best for mixing i suppose. and i am getting it for cheap (about USD120 per pair used).

so now i need an amp for it. i don't want to spend too much, so is there a sub USD300 amp around that is good enough for these? most important thing for the amp too i guess would be that it is super transparent... no added high/low/mids..... is that too much to ask for? or do i need to sell the house for a good amp..... anyone heard of NAD amps? or Marantz?

thanks everyone for the replies earlier!
I've seen affordable amps by Samson in catalogs like Musicians Friend that look like they have decent specs - but I haven't used or listened to them. Might be worth checking out though.
Yah I have been looking at the Servo 120 and the specs are really nice. (quite a bit better freq responce than my NS-10's) and I haven't heared anything bad about Samson except from a redneck that ran a "Kareokey" bar(or however the hell you spell that). Other than him, every other responce has been good. Even the power rating is perfect for my NS-10's! To buy, or not to buy. That is now the question!
If any one knows more about Samson amps (the Servo 120 inparticular) than I do, than please share.
Less-I-have-more-Gear of the 42 clan