a funk rock mixdown


New member
hey yall, my bands had this song for a while, but i figured id let you listen and get some comments about it. Its a raw recording, no fx or mixing... just the basic mixing done by the mixer and nothing else. let me know what you think :)

Its a funk rock type thing -> "Groove Song"

everything recorded with sm57s and the kick a beta52 (shure)

- mp3 is property of Xeon - visit us @ xeonmusic.net
Performance wise it's a little sluggish/off in the beginning, though it seems intentional I still find it a bit offputting. However I think with a tighter take this could work with the real stripped down production. Also vocals sound a little "indifferent" to my ears. Overall I generally prefer big and open or stripped down producion. That absolute walled isolation of each instrument/sound that folks are into nowadays does not appeal to me. Music is not perfect clear and crystal. It is usually messy, blurred, and somewhat imprecise even with the best of performers ( I've seen some suck ass live beatles shit, but it makes me feel good to know that the beatles fucked up too) . I prefer recordings that have a slightly "imperfect" natural feel to them. In short Yeah I liked what you did for what you are doing.
We all recorded at the same time... in a 15'x19' room... no 'isolation' was meant by the recording, in fact, it wasn't intentionally offtime at the beginning, but it was our first and only take, because we just wanted to see how it sounded.

Thanks for the input... please anyone else have something to say?
One thing I noticed with this is that it's a bit clippy. The bass drum is really boomy and when paired with the bass, it's really harsh on the ears. I think the guitar and bass guitar could be panned slightly left and right to make room for the vocals so everything doesn't sound crammed in the middle.

Good job, keep it up. :)
I'm not sure what you are looking for in comments...
It sounds like it was recorded in one room...
clipping going on...timing is off a bit...
guitar sounds a little out of tune...
but hey, its a live thang...could be better, but I've heard much worse...:)
I liked the grungy off-color tones you got going on here and the disjointed rhythm of the piece. You ever listen to "Shudder to Think"?

The vocals need to come up in the mix.

Funk On!
glad someone likes it :) i know its not the best recording, i was just looking for comments in general about the song itself