A few riffs in Guitar Rig 4

I couldn't comprehend the song/tone until the 'giddyup' grind section, which really rocked. I thought the GR4 tone was very convincing for both the lead and rhythm tones. I use GR 4 as well. Did you use a preset? If so which one? What guitar did you use? Sounded good.

BTW - it scares me how many good guitar players are lurking around this forum :eek: ...nice chops pal!! :cool:
So i managed to have a stab at a short tune using guitar rig 4 on a friends computer, some of the sounds are amazing. i kept this one simple, one guitar left, one right, and bass. Drums are DFH (EZ drummer). You like? I like! :cool:

anyone have any tips on using guitar rig in the future if i get a chance to use it again?


I just don't like EZDrummer :( If i actually liked it i would think this was cool, however i thought of it being real drums and then i got an idea of what you were going for, and i liked it!! :)

What i did when i had EZDrummer is get as close to a real drum kit as possible, sometimes i would put (for example) the bass into another track and edit it with my own reverb. I usually did this with the snare and kick, and after that it sounded more and more like a real drum set.

But all in all, i personally LOVED the riffs there :)
Its groovy, and i really like it!
thanks guys, any feedback (especially positive about my playing :cool:) is appreciated.

I used a Ibanez SZ with BareKnuckle Miracle Man pickups, and i think the presets i used were the steve vai soundalikes, but i tweaked the reverb and delay, actually not entirely sure. I agree they sound great though.

I think next time ill defo spend more time on the drums and split them into seperate tracks, for now all i did was run them through the cubase multiband compressor. Simplicity is best, no?:laughings:
Not bad not bad.

To put it into perspective for you of how far things have come, that to the untrianed ear this could pass as rough premix studio jam sesh.

When i first got into this it took me a full week to throw something like that together and it didn't sound at all passable as something professional.

Keep playing with alll that stuff man. No where to go but up.
cool man, good quality and everything for guitar rig. (i absolutley hate 10000% guitar rig, just because i always think it just sounds like such shit)

as for the playing, good stuff, but not to be too critical, your right channel lead during the intro and the same part in the middle keeps falling wayyyy out of time (going waay too fast at some points, and then struggling to catch back up with the drums)

good tone, though, especially for shitty guitar rig lol
as for the playing, good stuff, but not to be too critical, your right channel lead during the intro and the same part in the middle keeps falling wayyyy out of time (going waay too fast at some points, and then struggling to catch back up with the drums)
I imagine it is real hard to play those fingers, keeping that same riff going for minutes. (It is in one take, right?) Man, my fingers would be falling off. So, if it is out of time in places, so be it. I heard the out of time bits too, but didn't think it was an issue.
Of course if that was a finished product it would have to be correct all the way thru.

I use GR4 also. I like it very much. Just haven't used it live yet. Worried about that. It could be construed as a hassle to carry laptop computer and extra audio stuff. But the software is like having a vast array of pedals and rack mounted effects units. So, it is worth exploring the benefit.

Here's a small sample of GR4 the way I did last night. Is not metal ..
yeah, i suppose. i'm just an overly critical asshole lol. like i notice those small things, even in my own work, and when i hear stuff going out it just ruins things for me. i do it too; i'm not saying i don't. believe me, i'm just as critical of myself!
thats fair enough, i know what you mean and to be honest didnt really notice it until you said, so thanks!
Not sure whether id trust GR4 for a live set up coz i dont trust computers in general, lol, but for recording its pretty sweet
yeah, i don't think i'd rock it live either. i mean, i've been using amplitude lately (i think it's better than guitar rig IMO) but i've been using GR since the first version over 5 years ago. it's cool to just play at night with headphones on and everything, but damn i just love blasting through my marshall lol