A few quick questions

Tyler Serino

New member
number 1...what exactly is mastering?
number 2 (cause i think it may apply here) i have an issue: I record and mix in cubase 5, and actually get some great quality. When i play back my music in cubase its loud and full just how i like it. Once i export it to audio, no matter what settings i use, its always ALOT quieter...whats going on here?
Mastering is the final polish/adjustment done to a stereo mix.

How are you monitoring your levels in Cubase VS the exported file...?
I doubt it's the same thing...hence the differences in level.

Most likely you have your tracks and stereo bus cranked way too loud, beyond what they should be....so that when you export the audio at the correct level, it sounds quieter.

Explain how you have things set and how you do the export....and how you monitor before and after.
You have to master the track to get it louder (without clipping). My mixes are all low until they are mastered. Until they are mastered you will have to turn the volume knob way up to match pro CD's.
Not that "mastering" should be confused with "making it loud" but (somewhat sadly) yes, it's usually part of the mastering process.
Answer 1. Mastering is just the process of getting your mix ready for presentation. When the mix sounds as good as you can get it, you mix it down to a final stereo track and export the finished product. If there are any adjustments to be made it is typically getting the final mixdown to the same or at least an appropriate volume level for the other songs in your album. Whether you make the final mix louder or enhance the overall bass, mid or treble is up to you but if it sounds ok as a set of individual tracks in the mix, then it should sound that way in the master. Essentially, the master is the final product that you present to your audience.

Answer 2. One possibility - and I really don't mean to insult you but I have done this myself by mistake once or twice - you may be listening to the mixdown PLUS the mix. Solo the master and it should sound the way the exported product sounds.