A couple of questions.


New member
Hi I have Pent III 500. 128 ram, 20 G hardrive etc.

Anyways I am looking into a Sound Blaster Live Plat 5.1
I want to know if this will reduce noise while recording.
I am also going to buy a new mic and a mixer or pre amp to further solve the problem but until then will the Blaster Plat reduce the background noise to a minimal. Thanks also if you know of some affordable stuff tel me and drop a website where I could buy them. Peace.
I want to know if this will reduce noise while recording.

Reduce noise relative to what? I assume there is some kind of sound card in your computer already? What kind?

Typically the better cards have less noise, but the difference should not be hugely dramatic, all else being equal. By dramatic, I mean that it shouldn't be like the difference between the sound of a cassette recording broadcast over an AM radio through a megaphone and a CD played on a high-class stereo. Noise has many possible sources besides sound card hardware. It could be a bad ground causing a signal that comes out like an annoying hum, or a noisy sound source, even something like dimmer lights in the bedroom down the hall. If the noise that you speak of is not being caused by the sound card, then changing soundcards will do nothing to solve the noise issue.
Oops. I have Diamond Sonic Impact S90 PCI Audio card. I get a static noise in the background while recording. Of course I am using a comp mic so that could be the problem too.