A chicken-shit, pathetic trick by a local studio

Personally, I would have contacted the person in error and try to resolve it before posting about the ordeal. Or at least refrain from being specific about who was was involved unless the studio was not being cooperative.

But it's over now and a resolution was drawn. So, that's what matters, although the other studio's reputation is a bit tainted in the eyes of probably several hundred (or more) who've read these threads.

I hope any remaining threads get deleted soon.
Bowisc said:
Personally, I would have contacted the person in error and try to resolve it before posting about the ordeal. Or at least refrain from being specific about who was was involved unless the studio was not being cooperative.

But it's over now and a resolution was drawn. So, that's what matters, although the other studio's reputation is a bit tainted in the eyes of probably several hundred (or more) who've read these threads.

I hope any remaining threads get deleted soon.
I did call them immediately, but only got somebody who took the message and then I waited for some time before posting anything anywhere. While I was waiting for a return phone call, I looked at their HTML code and saw this:

<META name="keywords" content="rock studio, rap studio, Dallas Texas recording, Protools HD, Red distribution, Protools HD, dallas recording, dallas studios, goodnight audio, goodnight audio studios, goodnight studios, goodnight recording studios, goodnight studio, goodnight audio, goodnight dallas, goodnight recording studio, Indian Trail Recording Studio, Indian Trail Recording, Indian Trail Studio, ITR Studio, Indian Trail Records, ITR Records, ITR, recording">

"Meta names" are used to get a site to show up when someone does a browser search. So, anyone searching for "Indian Trail Recording Studio, Indian Trail Recording, Indian Trail Studio, ITR Studio, Indian Trail Records, ITR Records, ITR" would have "http://itrstudios.com" appear in their search engine and be taken to Goodnight Audio.

It's called "cybersquatting", and it's illegal. It's the same thing as creating a site called Microsofts.com and taking them to a Macintosh site. I wanted to settle this without sueing them, but at the same time, I was royally pissed.

Especially when I got some phone calls, asking if I had sold Indian Trail Recording Studio to Goodnight Audio. At that point, I went ballistic, and posted to rec.audio.pro, and the four forums I frequent.

I was about to post to six more forums (and write a scathing denouncement in my monthly Harder Beat column), when I finally received a phone call from the owner of Goodnight Audio, who apologized for their illegal actions and blamed his overzealous webmaster for the problem. Why my studio was singled out for this treatment was never explained.

Anyway, I posted that the problem had been resolved, left the threads up long enough to let people read that it was resolved, then pulled them from all the forums I could. This is the only forum where I am not allowed to delete a thread that I started, unless it's done within a short period of time.

When I started getting phone calls, it went beyond a simple stunt; it became theft of service, damge to my studio's reputation, and possible loss of business. When I didn't hear back from them (in what I considered a reasonable time), I felt I had to make it known that this was a blatent attempt to hijack our studio name and reputation (unfairly and illegally) by another studio in our area. The "META names" (from their website) makes it clear as to their obvious intent to deceive our potential customers by redirecting inquiries to their site.
Bowisc said:
Personally, I would have contacted the person in error and try to resolve it before posting about the ordeal. Or at least refrain from being specific about who was was involved unless the studio was not being cooperative.

But it's over now and a resolution was drawn. So, that's what matters, although the other studio's reputation is a bit tainted in the eyes of probably several hundred (or more) who've read these threads.

I hope any remaining threads get deleted soon.

If somebody let the air out of your tires and took $50.00 out of pocket daily you might fly off the handle also.

I've been personally attacked in a similar way but somehow remained calm and let the problem fix it's self.

Desperate people with poor business ethics will stoop to levels I didn’t even know existed. And then they go away.

Still sucks no matter how you slice it

Harvey Gerst said:
One other thing:

They got this site on August 10th, 2004, so it had been going for several weeks before I found out about it.

I apologize for making a false accusation there in my post.
Man. I am amazed at the amount of bites DJL gets when he goes fishin'. I guess it's because he knows what's the best bait to use.

Mr. Gerst, with all due respect and admiration, your the bait. He hooks you and makes you dance, then catch's all the fish that want to bite.

IMHO, you should never explain or communicate with a troll of his caliber. Your just fanning the flames.

(comments pertain to this thread.)
crazydoc said:
Who obviously don't exist, or have such little interest in this forum as to completely ignore it.
RE deleted a thread that had a virus in it from this mic forum just yesterday... so he does care about HR.com. Maybe he's leaving this thread up to teach us about thinking before posting? Or some other reason.
DJL said:
Harvey, I believe you... I'm sure it was posted on your forum at some time... but, it wasn't posted there when I asked you why you posted it here and not there... anyway...

No, you didn't! If you did believe Harvey, you wouldn't have made such a big deal about it after he answered your question the first time.
Rev E said:
No, you didn't! If you did believe Harvey, you wouldn't have made such a big deal about it after he answered your question the first time.
Well, it wasn't there when I asked the question... but there is no reason for me to believe it was never posted there... unless you know otherwise?

".....don't forget to tell them my label just signed with sony and
that your up bothering me with petty girl shit while I'm up working on
a mix for the new Snoop Dogg album and that I don't give a fuck."

This is a crappy thing to say to someone.:spank:..especially at a business-- A complete pleasant guy all around..NOT!

".....don't forget to tell them my label just signed with sony and
that your up bothering me with petty girl shit while I'm up working on
a mix for the new Snoop Dogg album and that I don't give a fuck."

This is a crappy thing to say to someone.:spank:..especially at a business-- A complete pleasant guy all around..NOT!

I think you get necropost award of the week . . . an eleven year thread resurrection

".....don't forget to tell them my label just signed with sony and
that your up bothering me with petty girl shit while I'm up working on
a mix for the new Snoop Dogg album and that I don't give a fuck."

This is a crappy thing to say to someone.:spank:..especially at a business-- A complete pleasant guy all around..NOT!

I must ask out of curiosity, how you found this thread and why you responded? Seriously, how did you get here?