A brain teaser.....


New member
Ok so Im thinking that I wan to run my 4 output drum machine thru my Mackie CFX-20 mixer board. I want to seperate the kick and snare, HHats/ percussion, and Toms. I want to be able to control the levels and eq'ingand effects on these individual sounds. How do I recreate the drummers perspective going back into my Vs-2480?
To get the best drummer's perspective, I'd split the 4 outputs differently. 1 output BD, 1 output snare, and 2 outputs as a sterio mix of the rest. putting the hats and cymbals on one mono track and the toms on another mono track will not allow you to arange the kit in a natural way.
That's not a a brain teaser....

...but this is (sorta!)

My drummer is left-handed - putting the kit in drummer's perspective in his case means it's really in audience perspective.... it becomes a lengthy conversation when he asks me to put his drums in audience perspective...! ;)

What happens if you have a left-handed and right-handed session drummer on the same CD, does the engineer go nuts trying to keep the perspective straight from track to track?

:D :D
I have a right handed drummer with a right handed drum kit that plays as if he was left handed! Right hand on the snare and left on the hat..... As an extra bonus he sometimes has a second snare off to the right of the kit where a left handed drummer would keep it. :)
intresting Bear....

I wouldnt change the the left handed drummers perspective, unless the person paying me for the tracks wanted it that way. I also dont think the engineer would go crazy, but probably wouldnt like it too much if he/she didnt get a warning about it.

Im trying to get the most control out of my drum machine, at the same time I want to try to create a natural feel when listeing to the tracks. Someone suggested to me that I should sync & record the drum machine over several stereo tracks, but record each drum sound by itself I.E. kick, snare, HH & percs, toms so we get about 10 to 12 stereo tracks and then make a mix down to just 2 tracks. Of course this locks you into your mix tracks but its gotta sound better in the end then doing it the way I have been doing it, and its a bit more time consuming. Nappa's idea is good, but I dont like having toms on a mono track nore my cymblas. I like my crash to hit off to the left, or have 2 crashes of different sizes one on the right and one on the left. How far can I take the "stage" on perspective anyway, without losing a genuine perspecitve?