a better way for CD writing


New member
Since you can "digitally extract" CD audio from a CD to copy it, can't you "digitally extract" the data from a Cakewalk file instead of mixing down to a WAV file which eats quality (or doesn't it)
Am I mixing to WAV correctly? Shoudn't it be a digital process that can take less time thatn the duration of the song. NOw, I record my Cakewalk song with a little sound recorder to mix down. Is that the wrong way to do it?
What on earth makes you think that a wave is an "analog" file? There's no cassette tape in your computer! :)

A wave is a digital file...all files are digital for that matter. All of your tracks in cakewalk are waves...or midi which triggers some sort of digital file such as a wave.

"Mixing down" in Cakewalk or any applications simply combines all of your waves into one composite wave. There is no loss in quality the way you're thinking unless you go from a high quality wave to a lower quality wave...such as going from 24/96 to 16/44.1 ... but there's no way around that unless you're planning on doing DVD audio.

I don't know what you mean by "little sound recorder" either. Why aren't you just using Cakewalk to mixdown? Doesn't Cakewalk have a mixdown feature? I'm betting it does and you're just not looking hard enough.

Slackmaster 2000
Digital Extraction is just a fancy word for copying the file on the CD to a WAV on your PC instead of playing the file and recording the audio. I'm not sure about Cakewalk, but the two PC multitrack applications I've used let you save the tracks as a single wav file, which doesn't play the entire song, but just generates or renders a single wav from all the tracks. It takes less than 1/4 the playing time of the song to do this on my PC. Check the Cakewalk settings, it's got to have this feature in there somewhere. You shouldn't lose quality when mixing down this way.
LOL, I start my reply, walk away from the PC for a few minutes, and when I come back and finish it... I see that Slackmaster has beat me to it. Man, that was a lot of typing you did in only a few minutes.