a beat on fruity

After listening to it a few times it grew on me. I think the backwards sample was throwing me at first. It took a sec but once i caught it it got my nodding. So i'm feelin it. Keep em coming.
thanks LAZI

I Will - I'm working towards making more original beats rather than breaks ...
That 's a Miles Davis sample
Mommy said if you don't have nothing nice to say,don't say it at all.But in your case,I'll make an exception..
That beat needs more ingredients added before I even think about taking a taste.Did you loose your keys or did they just change the locks.The backwards samp. ,I wasn't feeling at all.As a matter of fact...Just nothing...
I'm not knocking ur beat.But if you keep at it.Trust me.You'll be something to work with.....

Hope you copyright.Wouldn't want anybody to still it.......lmao
<----- Still a NEWBIE ---Thanks ya'll

I appreciate all comments and suggestions.

When i preview the mp3 version it sounded worse than the
real player version ?

what's the difference ?