A Band Name Thread - I Need Your Help

Boo Radley

As I’m sure many of you are well aware of, coming up with a band name is a royal headache. So, I’m asking you to throw some stuff out there.

We’re a straight-ahead rock band. We’ll start off playing mostly alternarock and modern rock circa the 1990’s but will eventually move toward a mostly original set.

I would imagine this topic has probably been done here before many times over and I did do a quick search, however, to no avail.

Thanks for your help…anything cool that pops up here (and I'm sure there will be), I'll take to the guys and I’ll be sure to keep you informed of what we decide on!!
Boo Radley said:
As I’m sure many of you are well aware of, coming up with a band name is a royal headache. So, I’m asking you to throw some stuff out there.

We’re a straight-ahead rock band. We’ll start off playing mostly alternarock and modern rock circa the 1990’s but will eventually move toward a mostly original set.

I would imagine this topic has probably been done here before many times over and I did do a quick search, however, to no avail.

Thanks for your help…anything cool that pops up here (and I'm sure there will be), I'll take to the guys and I’ll be sure to keep you informed of what we decide on!!

"Turnstile Stuck"

This came up in a conversation where my friend said he saw a woman who's ass was so big it got caught in the turnstile at Busch Gardens.

my contribution

My favorite has always been 'Jackoff Jimmy & the Cumshots'.

Occasionally, my friends & I perform at random open mics under this name.

I would be more than willing to sell you the rights.


Good luck in your search.

If you were a punk band I'd suggets Penny Knob

I've always liked Deer In Headlights or Northbound South
My 7yo named her band The Pony Girlz; I suggest you take it before she figures out how intellectual property law works :p
How about "The Prince Formerly Known as Artist?" Or pick a name that will get you sued! You will have to change names after you receive the cease and desist order, but it could generate some free publicity. I remember a really cool psychedelic west coast punk band called the Salvation Army. After their first album, the bell ringers raised havoc and the band became the Three O'Clock. You could also use the "blank" is Dead name approach. Insert whomever floats your boat (George Bush, the Pope, Francisco Franco, etc) and you're set. I also like the idea of using a series of numbers or an abbreviation that leaves people asking, "what does that mean?" (Does REM really mean "Rapid Eye Movement?") Finally, even though I was joking about Prince, royal names seem to be in vouge these days (Kings of Leon, Louis XIV, Franz Ferdinand, etc).
Whenever I used to getr stuck for names, we would all sit down and think of three random words.......... Then I thought of a great band name: "Three random words"! You could adapt it to be the number of guys in your band.. or intentionally make it more or less than the number in your band(like ben fold's five).

That or "Trippin' Skittles" it is more of a pop-punk sorta name, but still it does a job.

dwillis45 said:
I also like the idea of using a series of numbers or an abbreviation that leaves people asking, "what does that mean?" (Does REM really mean "Rapid Eye Movement?")

I had a country band for years called the Silver Eagle Band, after the busses that performers ride around the country in. After a year or so we just went with SEB. Even had a HUGE eagle cut out of plywood and painted up that hung behind us. Whenever someone asked what SEB stood for I always said, "Oh it depends on the club but usually 40 to 45 minutes. Then we take a break."


EDIT: I was also in a three piece rock band called Strange Wanted because me and the drummer would drive around in his van with a big old piece of cardboard with Strange Wanted written on it. Every time we passed a car with some hot chicks in it we would show them the sign. Worked more often than you'd think.

Then when the drummer left the band he took the name with him so we hired a new drummer and had to come up with a new name. We wanted to incorporate the number of members in the band so we went with a "Triple" theme. Finally decided on Triple Nipple. That worked more often than you'd think too.
Most of my potential band names come from things around me that I like. For example, the title of an album or song from a band I really love that is, perhaps, a little obscure (or even a great lyric from a song). Others come from conversations, comedian's bits, etc. Whatever. The more bizarre and meaningless the better.
Simple way to do it is to look at album titles.

Quickly glancing at my CD collection i found "simple things", "snatch", "close call", "Martini Henry Rifles".

Hope this helps.
drummerdude666 said:
Simple way to do it is to look at album titles.

Quickly glancing at my CD collection i found "simple things", "snatch", "close call", "Martini Henry Rifles".

Hope this helps.

Gotta be careful with that one though because if the CD is popular you can be conisdered a tribute band, or people with think that's what you're trying to pull off.

The Concrete Connection is a pretty cool name I think.
Many, many cool suggestions in this thread….thanks for your ideas, and please keep ‘em coming. One can never have too many to choose from and who knows, someone else may glean something from here too.

We’ll probably shy away from the more, umm…objectionable names.

So far, my personal favorites are:

Penny Knob
Trippin’ Skittles
Close Call
Royal Headache; or The Royal Headaches (Thanks apl; also note the regal theme, dwillis45)

I’ll bring all of the suggestions to the guys this weekend though.
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