96 kHz A/D?

Stealthtech said:
96k gives a bit more headroom, but 48 is quite sufficient.

headroom isn't really quite the word to use with sample rate.
96kHz just gives a better resolution of the wave form. It's very highly debated (on this forum and many others) whether it's noticeable or even needed when recording.

as I've heard several engineers say over and over.....if you can't record anything that sounds good at 48kHz, recording at 96kHz isn't going to do you any better. Worry more on what preamps and converters you should by....and find a sample rate/bit depth you like to work with and make all your recordings at that.

Also remember, the higher the sample rate, the more disk space you'll need.
GroovyGroundhog said:
Thanks for the info. Aren't CDs at about 40 kHz?

CDs are at 44.1Khz, 16 bit.

A lot of people (myself included) just record at 48kHz, 24 bit and then convert/dither down when we're ready to put it on CD. It gives us a little better quality and doesn't cut into our disk space that much.