8tracks, samplers, drum machines


New member
So I have outgrown my 4 track. I need an 8 track that is SIMPLE. I also want to have drum beats for my songs. Should i go for a drum machine or sampler. I figure with a sampler I could sample grooves as opposed to going through the laborous process of programming drums. For 8 tracks, I have checked out the Boss BR 8, which seems cool cuz they have some drum tracks in there. What about the Yamaha MD-8. Fostex F8? Some one reccomended a used Tascam DA88. What about drum machine vs. sampler for simple grooves? Thank you.
I think most would agree that all of these 8 tracks are pretty good. With the DA, you'll need a mixer and outboard effects, so it would likely be a substantial investment. There are limitations to all of them though. I know dick about computers and I'm fumbling my way through without too much hassle; to the point of recommending a DAW over most of the other options. Unlimited tracks sound better than 8? How about software effects?

That said, consider your price range and intentions, and willingness to learn a new tool, a li'l fella like the BR8 might be just what you're looking for. So do your research and ask away, we're here to help. and we won't even complain about your crossposting this time around!