8k to spend... for specific type of music. What do you think?


New member
I've always heard Digi gear, Neumann Mics, and Avalon preamps/compressors.

If I want to make the absolutely most professional (what you hear on the radio) sound for rap/hip-hop/pop/capturing vocals what is the best gear to get. we will only be recording one vocalist at any give time. (what would be your recommendation also for vocalist and guitarist recording simultaneously.)

I notice all the pros use what I mentioned above. I'm more concerned with getting gear to capture the very best sound from a condenser mic, probably a Neumann around $1000. Not sure if I should go with Digi for preamp/compressors or Avalon? Ive always used Audition but the pros use Pro Tools and Logic so that would be a switch.

What do you recommend for my goals? I have like $6000 to spend on gear probably and another $1000-$2000 on acoustic control. Panels etc.
The combination you mentioned is actually pretty good so you can go with it. However I must mention something important - even with a million dollars Neve 88D console, and a 10,000$ Neaumann micrphone, and the best tube preamp money can buy ... your quality will still not be anywhere NEAR radio ready without a good mixing engineer and later a mastering engineer.