8 track analog/digital in parallel?


New member
wasnt sure where to put this, it's also in "studio construction":

I am about to begin construction on a digital (Delta 1010)/ analog (Tascam 48 1/2" 8 track) studio, and was wondering what would be the most optimal way to wire the two together without having to repatch, so that either medium can be tracked to and transferred from one to the other. I was conceptualizing running the 8 XLR bus outs of my mixer into the XLR ins on the tape machine, running the XLR outs of the tape machine into the 1/4" TRS ins of the delta, and running the 1/4" outs of the delta back into the console. Thus, if I'm wanting to track to digital, I can set all the tape machine's tracks to "input" to pass the signal through. Is this feasable? I figure it should require 3 snakes, a 1/4"->male XLR, a 1/4"-> female XLR and an XLR snake. Am I missing anything?
I suppose it really depends on what you want to do. The setup you describe will work, but there's a bunch more ways to do it. The only problem I see is that you usually want the cleanest path while tracking. If you're running the signal through something (your Tascam for example), you're making an unnecessary trip to get the signal to the 1010. On the other hand, there's quite a few people that will say that running the signal through the tape will give the digital signal a bit more 'warmth'. If you will be tracking directly to digital, you might want to use an aux send from the mixer to the 1010 and bypass the tape.

I'm sure there's a few people here that have a few methods of their own also.